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LMS solidifies acoustic simulation leadership with Automatically Matched Layer (AML) 3/24/2011 11:24:00 PM

LMS solidifies acoustic simulation leadership with Automatically Matched Layer (AML)

New solver technology automatically models the absorbing FEM layer

With the latest release of its market-leading acoustic simulation software, LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics, LMS again pushes the limits of acoustic simulation. The star of Rev 10 is certainly AML (Automatically Matched Layer), a cutting-edge FEM acoustics technique. Additionally, there are a variety of other new features that accelerate the acoustic simulation process, including a highly performant MUMPS Solver (Multi-Frontal Massively Parallel Sparse Direct Solver) and a new range of modeling tools dedicated to duct acoustics.

AML is also considered as the ''next generation PML'' (Perfectly Matched Layer) for simulating noise radiation problems. The big difference is that there is no need to model the absorbing PML layer, as AML automatically creates the absorbing PML layers.
The AML technology works with extremely small yet highly accurate FEM meshes that are very manageable and quickly solved.
''AML is an excellent solution for exterior radiation issues found in engines or compressors for example. Our customers need technological solutions that are the fastest, the most efficient and deliver the highest accuracy. And with AML in LMS Virtual.Lab Rev 10, we have set new standards exactly in that. The integrated functionality to create automatically the acoustic FEM mesh adds tremendous efficiency gains as well'' stated Stefaan Goossens, Vice-President Simulation, LMS International.

The quality of the solver makes all the difference in acoustic work. Fast and extremely robust, the new MUMPS FEM solver solves equations much faster than any other technique. A direct solver, MUMPS can easily handle different load cases, for example, multiple engine rpms.

Duct acoustics, or more specifically the efficient attenuation of noise inside ducts, represents a major application in the acoustic simulation field e.g. for Turbo-machinery, aero-engines or intake and exhaust systems. LMS Virtual.Lab Rev 10 embeds dedicated functionality for duct acoustics, including powerful duct mode propagation, including efficiently handling of temperature distribution within ducts, including effects of flow and more. AML makes the difference here again by allowing extremely fast simulation of exterior radiated noise and very accurate modeling of non-reflective duct terminations up to high frequencies.

For further information regarding the new release, please see www.lmsintl.com/automatically-matched-layer

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网址: http://www.siemens.com.cn/plm/lms 电话:86--4000920665
地址: 中国·北京·北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号西门子大厦9层 邮编100101

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