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Feature-packed LMS Virtual.Lab Rev 10 puts speed and productivity center stage 3/16/2011 10:23:00 AM

Feature-packed LMS Virtual.Lab Rev 10 puts speed and productivity center stage

Latest release guarantees fastest acoustic solutions on the market

LMS International has released the latest version of its integrated solution for functional performance simulation: LMS Virtual.Lab Revision 10. Packed with new features covering the entire space from multi-body simulation to FEM acoustics, this version of LMS Virtual.Lab will take your simulation process to a whole new level.

''With Revision 10, we have placed the focus on speed and productivity. Our acoustic customers will notice significant speed increases thanks to cutting-edge techniques like AML (Automatically Matched Layer) and the new MUMPS solver, while our multi-body simulation users will benefit from significant improvements in solving speed and productivity, for example on managing multiple events with the new Solutions Manager,'' stated Stefaan Goossens, Vice-President Simulation, LMS International.

On the acoustics side, FEM acoustics takes center stage with a variety of custom-fit solvers and features for guaranteed speed and process efficiency. Probably the most talked about item is AML (Automatically Matched Layer). Called the ''next generation PML'' (Perfectly Matched Layer), AML eliminates the need to model the absorbing PML layer. The solver does it automatically, delivering a simplified FEM mesh close to the radiating system. The FEM elements are purposely kept small so that the meshes are manageable and quickly solved.

Besides AML, other speedy new acoustic features include a MUMPS Solver (Multi-Frontal Massively Parallel Sparse Direct Solver) and VATV (Vibro-Acoustic Transfer Vector), an LMS Patented methodology. New to this release as well is temperature mapping, taking in the effect of temperature on acoustics.

Productivity increases with the popular multi-body simulation (MBS) package, LMS Virtual.Lab Motion, as well. The new Solutions Manager makes it possible to handle large sets of analysis cases, many with automated data management. New as well is the LMS Virtual.Lab Motion-ABAQUS connection for non-linear FE co-simulation. This co-simulation combines the accurate non-linear representation of certain components with the calculation speed of MBS. The continued investment in MBS Solver technology brings yet another significant solver speed improvement in solving realistic models in accelerated timing.

Accurate and fast, LMS Virtual.Lab Durability Thermal Fatigue, provides a unique solution for high temperature cyclic and creep fatigue. Further improvements to Seam Weld modeling enable accurate and fast fatigue life calculations.

LMS Virtual.Lab Structures, the integrated solution for structural modeling and analysis, includes unified assembly modeling support for ABAQUS, and further advancing the ability to fully automate the process from CAD to CAE Results, with customer documented gains of 50% or more in time it takes to create and post-process a model.

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网址: http://www.siemens.com.cn/plm/lms 电话:86--4000920665
地址: 中国·北京·北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号西门子大厦9层 邮编100101

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