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LMS and G.R.A.S. establish an acoustics partnership to strengthen solutions portfolio for acoustics testing 5/17/2010 12:19:00 PM
通用有限元分析软件, 结构分析软件, 动力学分析软件, 声学分析软件, 板料冲压成形模拟软件, ...
LMS International and G.R.A.S. recently concluded an acoustics partnership to provide an integrated solutions portfolio for acoustic testing and analysis, and jointly develop new innovative solutions for acoustics engineering. LMS provides data acquisition systems and analysis software for a broad range of acoustic engineering applications, including sound intensity and sound power testing, material testing, pass-by noise testing, sound source localization and sound quality. G.R.A.S. is one of the leading providers of acoustic measurement transducers and offers a wide range of microphones, preamplifiers and signal conditioning devices.

Under the agreement, LMS will integrate high quality measurement microphones from G.R.A.S. in its solutions portfolio for acoustic testing. LMS customers will benefit from the optimal tuning and integration of G.R.A.S. microphones within LMS test systems for increased efficiency, ease of use and measurement precision. Both companies will also cooperate on the development of acquisition solutions for specific acoustic applications.

Under the acoustic partnership, LMS and G.R.A.S. have recently introduced their sound intensity probe with pre-polarized microphones. The probe is especially designed to measure the sound intensity of complex sound sources as well as minimize the influence of the sound field for outstanding measurement quality. The probe is equipped with two ½'' pre-polarized intensity microphones, which meet the IEC 61043 standard for a Class 1 intensity probe and are carefully phase-matched to ensure maximum measurement accuracy.

Bruno Massa, Vice-President Test Division at LMS International, ''LMS is delighted to announce this partnership with G.R.A.S., one of the most respected and innovative companies in the acoustic testing field. The precision and reliability of G.R.A.S. microphones guarantees high quality measurement results for our customers and helps them gain an in-depth understanding of how sounds are composed and which aspects contribute to it. Next to the integration of the G.R.A.S. portfolio into our LMS solutions, we are actively cooperating in the development of new, innovative solutions for specific acoustic testing applications.''

Per Rasmussen, Managing Director at G.R.A.S., ''We look forward to building a fruitful partnership with LMS and serve its extensive customer base in noise and vibration testing with our high-fidelity microphone solutions. Both companies have an impressive combined track record in acoustics engineering and offer a very complete combined portfolio for acoustic testing. We also share the same drive for innovation and customer care, which will definitely result in exciting new technologies and breakthrough solutions.''

About LMS International

LMS is an engineering innovation partner for companies in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. With approximately 30 years of experience, LMS helps customers get better products to market faster and turn superior process efficiency into key competitive advantages. With a unique combination of 1D and 3D simulation software, testing systems and engineering services, LMS tunes into mission critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain solutions for thermal, fluid dynamics, electrical and mechanical system behavior, LMS can address the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design. Thanks to our technology and dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5,000 manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS, a Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA partner, is certified to ISO9001:2008 quality standards and operates through a network of subsidiaries and representatives in key locations around the world. For more information on LMS, visit www.lmsintl.com.

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·CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM展区 > CAE/模拟仿真展厅 > 声学模拟分析软件 > CAE/模拟仿真新闻
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