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3D Systems Launches BfB™ 3000 plus 3D Printer At RAPID
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/28/2011 7:52:00 PM  佳工机电网
3D Systems Launches BfB™ 3000 plus 3D Printer At RAPID- Affordable Desktop Printer Delivers Personal Manufacturing -

ROCK HILL, South Carolina, May 23, 2011 - 3D Systems (NASDAQ: TDSC) announced today the launch of a new desktop 3D Printer; the BfB™ 3000 plus. This affordable printer is available for immediate delivery and will be on display at RAPID 2011 May 24 - 26th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in booth 311.

The BfB™ 3000 plus opens up a whole new world of creativity with its feature rich, easy to use, desktop fit and intuitive, familiar user interface. Quick and simple to set up, this $3,900 3D printer makes personal manufacturing a reality with a wide choice of materials and colors. Users will experience the benefits of file printability verification and rapid submission coupled with multi-color print capability for the ultimate 3D printing experience.

"We are very excited to present the BfB™ 3000 plus, our enhanced, fully assembled 3D printer," said Andy McLaren, Director, Sales and Marketing, BfB for 3D Systems. "Our ability to launch this new printer exactly one year after the debut of our original BfB™ 3000 underscores our commitment to democratize access and accelerate adoption of affordable and easy to use 3D printers."

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