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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet Revolutionizes 3D Printing With New Advanced Materials Now Available 4/16/2011 4:38:00 PM
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
Clear transparent material, ABS-like material for simulating engineering plastics and rigid white material for all-round application use

Rehovot, Israel - April 13, 2011 - Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, has announced today the commercial availability of three new advanced materials, a new ABS-like Digital Material (RGD5160-DM), a new clear transparent material (Objet VeroClear), and a new addition to the Objet Vero family; the Objet VeroWhitePlus.

With these new additions, the number of Objet 3D printing materials is brought to a total of 65, including 51 composite materials (Digital Materials), for a wide range of rapid prototyping purposes, covering from realistic product visualization all the way to advanced functional verification.

The Objet ABS-like Digital Material is a high-impact (65-80J/m or 1.22-1.50 ft lb/in), high-temperature-resistant (65°C or 149°F and after thermal post treatment 90°C or 194°F) material ideal for manufacturers and engineers looking to functionally simulate products made of ABS-grade engineering plastics, including snap-fit parts, durable and movable parts and products requiring drop-testing.

The Objet Clear material provides clear optical and visual transparency combined with great dimensional stability enabling designers to simulate PMMA in glass-like applications such as lighting cases, lenses and cosmetics containers.

The Objet VeroWhitePlus all-round general purpose material that was recently released for Objet's desktop family 3D printers is now available for the Objet Eden professional line of 3D printers and the Objet Connex line of multi-material 3D printers. The Objet VeroWhitePlus is ideal for fit and form testing for a wide range of industries and for validating model design.

Maximilian Loerzel, Managing Director for Schroeter, a Germany-based service bureau, commented on the performance of the new materials for the company's automotive customers, "Both the ABS-like material and the clear transparent material are exactly what we, in the automotive industry, are looking for and are essential for the rapid prototyping of our show car. The ABS-like material, with its heat resistance, toughness and flexibility, is well-suited for simulating outdoor applications, while the clear transparent material arrived just in time for the automotive lighting revolution, enabling us to simulate PlexiGlass final parts, including light guides, lamps, display panels and more."

Michael Rückner, Head of CAD/CAM Rapid Prototyping Department for Volke Entwicklungsring GmbH, says, "The use of latest technologies is our top priority. Thanks to Objet's Connex500 with the new digital materials we are able to accelerate the production of ABS-like parts by up to 50%."

Gary Miller, Head of Rapid Prototyping at IPF, a service bureau in the UK, adds, "I can see huge potential for the new Objet VeroClear material, particularly within the consumer electronics sector. During the beta testing we had great success producing clear screens, casing and housing for electronics. The new clear material allows LED lights to be easily seen within the casings and housings. Objet has considerable advantages over other technologies as well as cutting timescales dramatically. It sounds like a simple requirement, but I doubt others could compete on all these aspects of the job."

Objet ABS-like material (RGD5160-DM) is now available for the Objet Connex500 multi-material 3D printers. (For existing customers, operating this material requires the installation of an upgrade kit to the existing Objet 3D printer).


Objet VeroWhitePlus, recently launched for the Desktop family of 3D printers is now available for the Objet Connex and the Objet Eden 3D printing systems. (Availability initially limited to specific regions).

Objet VeroClear is now available for the Objet Connex and the Objet EdenV 3D printing systems.
Objet ABS-like material (RGD5160-DM) is now available for the Objet Connex500 multi-material 3D printers. (For existing customers, operating this material requires the installation of an upgrade kit to the existing Objet 3D printer).

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