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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet Showcases the Diversity of its 3D Printing Solutions at Hannover Messe, Germany 4/5/2011 10:57:00 AM
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
RHEINMUENSTER, Germany, April 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Hall 17; Stand F58 -- Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing, highlights an expansive portfolio of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing solutions at Hannover Messe in hall 17, stand F58 this year. From affordable desktop systems to the unique multi-material Objet Connex™ 3D printers, Objet's diverse range of products provide scope for countless applications across numerous industries.

"Objet makes high-quality 3D printing convenient and accessible for the office of every designer and product engineer," comments Eric Bredin, European Marketing Manager for Objet Geometries. "Whether you're a rocket scientist or a shoe designer, there is an incredible advantage to being able to rapidly print a CAD design into a real, functionally verifiable prototype that is almost indistinguishable from your end-product. With Objet technology, designers can better communicate their product's visual and functional properties to customers, decision makers and focus groups early on in the product development stage, enabling significant savings to be made in both development time and costs."

In addition to its range of 3D printers, Objet has a continually expanding range of materials. "Objet materials span a considerable range of physical and mechanical properties. Combine that with outstanding accuracy and surface finish, and Objet technology users have the potential to create an inspiring variety of prototype parts and products," elaborates Bredin.

Objet 3D printers use patented inkjet-based technology to jet ultra-thin layers of photopolymer materials onto the build tray where each layer is cured with UV light. The process delivers models which can be handled immediately, with exceptional accuracy and allowing any geometry, including thin walls, overhangs and even moveable parts.

Objet's rapid prototyping technologies will be demonstrated throughout the Hannover Messe exhibition by the affordable Objet24 desktop 3D printer and the Objet Connex350 multi-material 3D printer. See Objet from 4 to 8th April, on stand F58, hall 17.

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·CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM展区 > 三维打印机展厅 > 三维打印机 > 三维打印机新闻
Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.联系方式:
网址: https://www.stratasys-china.com/ 电话:86-21-3319-6093
地址: 中国·上海·上海静安区灵石路718号宁汇广场A3一楼

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