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3D Systems Brings To Market New Dental Printer
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/27/2011 9:54:00 AM  佳工机电网
3D Systems Brings To Market New Dental PrinterROCK HILL, South Carolina - February 23, 2011 - 3D Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: TDSC), announced today the immediate availability of its 2011 ProJet™ DP 3000 3D printer, a new dental CAD/CAM 3D printer for wax-up production that provides measurable financial returns and a proven ROI for the dental lab.

The new ProJet™ DP 3000 printer features an expanded ultra-high definition build area that delivers up to a 60% productivity improvement, enabling dental labs to dramatically ramp up production volumes for both crown and bridge work as well as partial frameworks. In addition to the increased capacity, the new ProJet™ DP 3000 is equipped with remote email notification, making it even easier to track printer operation and performance. 3D Systems also announced the immediate availability of an upgrade kit that extends the same value proposition to existing users, protecting their investment.

''We are excited to deliver added value to our dental customers through increased productivity and superior print output quality,'' said Buddy Byrum, Senior Director, 3D Printing for 3D Systems. ''We are pleased to offer our existing digital dentistry practitioners the opportunity to protect their investment and upgrade to this next generation ProJet™ DP 3000 3D printer.''

About 3D Systems Corporation

3D Systems is a leading provider of 3D content-to-print solutions including 3D printers, parts and production systems. Its expertly integrated rapid prototyping and manufacturing solutions reduce the time and cost of designing new products and printing real parts directly from digital input. These solutions are used to design, communicate, prototype and produce functional end-use parts; customers create with confidence.

B超诊断仪, 心电图仪, CT机, 眼科设备, 裂隙灯, ...

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