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Objet launches new desktop 3D printers and advanced materials at EuroMold 2010 12/4/2010 4:28:00 PM

Objet launches new desktop 3D printers and advanced materials at EuroMold 2010

Rehovot, Israel, December 2, 2010 - Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, revealed at EuroMold the new family of desktop 3D printers (Objet24 and Objet30), starting at $19,900*. The company is also holding a unique technology demonstration of new advanced materials** featuring clear transparency, high-temperature resistance and ABS-like quality simulating engineering plastics.

The Objet24 and Objet30 are part of Objet's latest family of affordable, easy to use 3D printers, making high-quality 3D printing convenient for the office of every designer and product engineer.

Beginning at only $19,900*, the Objet24 is especially suited to the office environment, providing low-cost 3D printing without compromise on model detail or functional versatility. The Objet30 is capable of printing a range of materials making it suitable to a number of applications. Both Objet24 and Objet30 produce models with extremely smooth surfaces and fine details.

Upcoming Materials Technology Demonstration:

Objet will be performing a unique technology demonstration of its new upcoming materials** to be released in 2011, including:

Objet Clear Material featuring true transparency with high dimensional stability;

Objet High Temperature Material, bringing 3D printing models into a new era of thermal functionality; and

Objet first-generation of ABS-like Material, bringing 3D model properties closer than ever to engineering plastics.

Objet is simultaneously launching the new Objet VeroWhitePlus** material. Featuring the high dimensional stability of Objet VeroGray now in white, Objet VeroWhitePlus is ideal for fit and form testing for a wide range of industries. The Objet VeroWhitePlus will replace the Objet VeroWhite during 2011.

Commenting on the run-up to the show, David Reis, President and Chief Executive Officer of Objet Geometries said: ''In this year's show we are taking both our materials and our 3D printers to new industry levels. Our new family of desktop 3D printers is the first high resolution 3D printer with a low price tag and exceptional ease of use - making it ideal for office printing and opening up a new world of opportunities for designers and engineers.''

''The new range of Objet products and materials manifests our unequivocal commitment to our customers' success. Our latest advances in product development and the introduction of true Clear Material, High Temperature Resistance Material and ABS-like toughness Material combined with Objet's quality make all the difference in achieving true-to-life prototypes,'' added Reis.

Commenting on the field test results, an Objet customer said; ''With Objet's Clear Material we are able to print thin, transparent parts. This means we can potentially move our clear-material jobs from our outsourced SLA provider to our own in-house Objet 3D printer, saving us both time and money. Objet's High Temperature Material features excellent heat-resistance that enabled us to conduct intensive lighting tests for our automotive design projects. While we achieved acceptable results using SLA materials - the lengthy post-processing of the part made it prohibitively time-consuming when compared to the quality and detail that Objet provided straight from the printer.''

Also at the show, attendees will be able to watch a live printing process by the award-winning Objet Connex - the only 3D printing solution delivering rapid prototyping of moving parts and assemblies made of multiple materials with different mechanical and physical properties - all from a single build process.

We look forward to hosting EuroMold attendees at the Objet booth - Hall 11; Stand C92 - to experience the latest in materials and 3D printing.

Objet and David Reis hosted a Media Event at EuroMold on Thursday, December 2nd. The Media Event will be available on-demand from the Objet website during the day.

*The Objet24 and Objet30 are available for purchase via the company's worldwide offices or its global network of distributors. The recommended retail price for the Objet24 starts at $19,900 - US dollars - (starts at €16,900 in Europe; other international pricing may vary). Prices exclude VAT, options, training, installation, shipping, local taxes and duties. For details, please contact your regional Objet office or Objet authorized distributors.

**Objet does not guarantee the final release and availability of any pre-released materials, products, or features. Please check our website (http://www.objet.com/PRODUCTS/Materials/) for current offerings and updates.

***Objet VeroWhitePlus is available for the Objet24 and Objet30 desktop 3D printers. Please check our website (http://www.objet.com/PRODUCTS/Materials/) for current offerings and updates regarding availability for other Objet 3D printing systems.

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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