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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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iDent Imaging Teams with Objet Geometries to Offer Surgical Guide Solutions For Implant Dentistry 9/4/2010 10:56:00 AM
B超诊断仪, 心电图仪, CT机, 眼科设备, 裂隙灯, ...
Foster City, California and Rehovot, Israel - September 2, 2010 iDent Imaging Inc., (Foster City, CA) a leading provider of 3-D surgical planning software and surgical guides for dental implants, has teamed with Objet Geometries Ltd. (Rehovot, Israel), innovation leader of 3-Dimensional printing systems, to improve the quality of dental implant placement. Objet systems provide iDent Imaging with the ability to rapidly manufacture customized surgical guides generated by their Scan2Guide™ software using Objet's Eden™ 3D Printers. 3D-printed surgical guides guarantee surgeons a level of precision in the placement of dental implants that is difficult to achieve using freehand surgical techniques.

iDent provides implant dentists with medical imaging software for the virtual planning of the optimal placement of dental implants based on dental CT scans, and iGuide ™ surgical guides that ensure the translation of the virtual treatment plan into accurate surgery. Objet's rapid manufacturing 3D printers enable iDent to supply dentists with highly accurate, customized guides for predictable, prosthetically driven implant surgery.

''3D Printing is becoming increasingly important in today's dental world.'' said Avi Cohen - Head of Medical Solutions at Objet. ''Objet Eden 3D Printing Systems can be used in conjunction with guided implant solutions as an all-in solution, leading to increased case success.''

Joseph Kowen, Chief Executive Officer at iDent Imaging adds, "We are pleased to be making our surgical guide and software technology available to dental professionals in collaboration with one of the leading and pioneering 3D printing companies in the industry. Our surgical guides, manufactured using the Objet Eden 3D printers, are produced in-house as well as through a network of partners and distributors in a number of locations in the US, Japan, South Africa, South America and Israel. Local production of guides reduces shipping costs and speeds delivery of our products to dentists. iDent's fully-digital process of treatment planning and iGuides is the fastest way to get from CT scan to surgical guide."

''We are excited to partner with iDent, one of the most innovative and growing companies in the dental imaging and surgical guide area, and to play our part in bringing improved dental implant treatment to dentists and their patients through the use of the proven Objet Polyjet™ platform for additive manufacturing, and our advanced medically approved materials,'' concluded Avi Cohen.

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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.联系方式:
网址: https://www.stratasys-china.com/ 电话:86-21-3319-6093
地址: 中国·上海·上海静安区灵石路718号宁汇广场A3一楼

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