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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Clearstep and Objet to Collaborate on Digital Orthodontic Solution 12/12/2010 10:36:00 AM

Clearstep and Objet to Collaborate on Digital Orthodontic Solution

Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing,today announced collaboration with Clearstep Laboratories, a leading provider of digital orthodontic solutions. Objet's high resolution, 3D printing systems will facilitate Clearstep™ to become more efficient in manufacturing custom-made orthodontic clear aligners on a mass scale. Working together, Clearstep and Objet will bring the advantages of digital printing technology to orthodontics.

The Clearstep Solution is a series of clear, removable aligners designed to align the patient's teeth, which both orthodontists and dentists use as an alternative to traditional metal braces. The clear aligners consist of individual parts vacuum-formed using Objet's printed models. The Clearstep manufacturing center is one of the most advanced digital production center in the UK. The production is heavily supported by Objet 3D printing systems, which help to reduce the time required for the clear braces production process.

''Objet and Clearstep have teamed up to implement Objet's ultra-thin layer, high-resolution 3D printing applications in the Clearstep production process,'' said Avi Cohen, Head of Medical Solutions at Objet. "We expect this cooperation will increase overall manufacturing productivity and offer significant benefits to Clearstep customers.''

Alistair McCance, Managing Director of Clearstep commented: ''The Clearstep solution was developed by one of the country's leading orthodontists, Dr Andrew McCance, who understands the unique treatment and compliance needs of advanced orthodontic solutions. The digital production center combines the unique benefits of the Clearstep solution combined with a series of Objet's 3D printing systems. We are continually looking for ways to increase productivity and expect that our all-in-one digital workflow will help to improve the service to our customers and to augment the productivity of our highly skilled local lab technicians."

"We see this as a significant orthodontic solution that teams together two leading technologies. We recognize the high value of Clearstep's solution and we believe that by bringing it together with Objet's 3D printing systems, we shall achieve top results for the benefit of users worldwide," concludes Avi Cohen.

About Clearstep

Clearstep started to develop in 2001 as the brainchild of Dr Andrew McCance. Listening to the needs and desires of his patients for an orthodontic solution that was ''invisible'' yet efficient, Dr McCance began to explore the potential of clear positioner braces. After successfully launching the product to the specialist market, in 2005 the Clearstep Diagnostic Faculty was set up in order to empower General Dental Practitioners to offer Clearstep to their patients. Providing support and guidance from specialist orthodontists in the diagnosis and treatment planning allows General Dental Practitioners to offer a high quality orthodontic solution to their patients in practice.

Over the next three years, Ortho Pro-Teknica began to grow as demand for the clear brace increased. In 2006 the company won the Sussex Business Awards and was a finalist in the National Business Awards.

Copyright © Ortho Pro-Teknica Limited 2010. 'Clearstep' (word and logo) are trademarks of Ortho Pro-Teknica Limited.

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, provides 3-dimensional printing systems that enable manufacturers and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products.

Objet's ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-dimensional printing systems and materials utilize PolyJet polymer jetting technology, to print ultra-thin 16-micron layers. The market-proven Eden line of 3D Printing Systems and the Alaris30 3D desktop printer are based on Objet's patented office-friendly PolyJet Technology. The Connex multi-material family is based on Objet's PolyJet Matrix Technology, which jets multiple model materials simultaneously and creates composite Digital Materials on the fly. All Objet systems use Objet's FullCure® materials to create accurate, clean, smooth, and highly detailed 3D parts.

Objet systems are in use by customers worldwide, including Fortune 100 companies, in multiple industries such as Education, Medical / Medical Devices & Dental, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, toys, consumer goods, and footwear industries.

Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing global customer base through offices in USA, Mexico, Europe, Japan, China and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions. For more information, visit us at www.objet.com.

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