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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet and 3Shape Join Forces to Offer Dental Labs a Seamless CAD/CAM Design-to-Production Solution 7/16/2010 6:54:00 PM

Objet and 3Shape Join Forces to Offer Dental Labs a Seamless CAD/CAM Design-to-Production Solution

Rehovot, Israel and Copenhagen, Denmark (July 13, 2010) - Objet Geometries, the innovation leader in 3D printing, together with 3Shape A/S, a global leader in 3D scanners and CAD/CAM software solutions for the Dental Industry, today announced the availability of a jointly developed solution that integrates with the 3Shape Dental System™ 2010 enabling its 3D restoration designs to be produced on the Objet Eden line of 3D Printing systems.

Dental labs can now look forward to a seamless digital workflow for production of dental restorations - all the way from 3D scanning of impressions and CAD-Design using 3Shape Dental System™, CAM preparation with 3Shape CAMbridge™, and on to final manufacturing and production on Objet Eden 3D Printers.
Complete integration is made possible by 3Shape's CAMbridge™ manufacturing software that brings the digital model information from Dental System™ onward to the Objet Studio™ software that communicates directly with the Objet Eden 3D printer.

''3Shape has worked closely with Objet to test and qualify the complete process required to produce dental components on Objet Eden 3D printers,'' says Avi Cohen, Head of Medical Solutions at Objet Geometries. ''This includes special optimizations to insure that components designed in 3Shapes's CAD software will always print reliably and accurately using Objet's additive manufacturing methods and techniques.''

''We are very pleased to offer our dental lab customers access to complementary solutions from the 3Shape Dental System™. This represents yet another leap towards the age of the full digital dental lab. The knowledge learned through the successful integration of both technologies in the hearing aid market has certainly allowed a faster and a more successful implementation of the digital dental highway for all dental labs worldwide, bringing mass customization to small and mid-sized labs alike. '' concludes Avi Cohen.

The unique versatility of 3Shape's Dental System™ enables it to integrate smoothly with the market's best dental manufacturing solutions. The fine-detail printing, adequate layer thickness and smooth surface output make Objet's 3D Printing systems highly suitable for the manufacture of dental restorations.

''3Shape's goal is to provide productive and complete digital solutions to the market,'' says Rune Fisker, VP Product Strategy, at 3Shape. ''By integrating our Dental System™ with the user-established speed and cost-efficient processing found in Objet 3D printers, dental labs can get a full digital lab solution that sets new productivity standards.''

The new interface capabilities are already available with the latest 3Shape Dental System™ and CAMbridge™ releases. Please contact your reseller for additional information.
Read fresh case stories and user testimonials from dental business that apply the 3Shape and Objet solution in their work: http://www.objet.com/dental

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.联系方式:
网址: https://www.stratasys-china.com/ 电话:86-21-3319-6093
地址: 中国·上海·上海静安区灵石路718号宁汇广场A3一楼

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