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Hexagon Metrology Introduces Gantry CMMs for Large-Scale Gear Inspection
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/20/2009 2:58:00 PM  佳工机电网
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
North Kingstown, RI - Sept 15, 2009 - Hexagon Metrology Inc. today announced the immediate availability of the new Leitz PMM-G gantry CMM series at Gear Expo 2009 being held this week in Indianapolis, IN. With improved specifications and additional size availability, the new Leitz CMM is used for high precision inspection of extremely large components such as gears used for the windpower industry, as well as gear segments, gear racks and geared shafts of up to 5,000 mm in diameter.

"The PMM-G represents the ultimate in Leitz large-scale gear inspection," said Pete Edge, product manager, Leitz products. "Unlike other gear inspection products, it does not require a rotary table, which makes part loading and unloading much easier. It also allows a maximum part weight of 15 metric tons. This system is ideal for the extremely large gears used in the windpower industry, for power generation, and power transfer products. Even better, the PMM-G system is not a single purpose inspection station just for gears, but a fully capable coordinate measuring machine that can be used to inspect many other kinds of large machined assemblies, such as gear boxes and engine blocks."

The PMM-G is a custom configured product, which is built at Hexagon Metrology GmbH (Wetzlar, Germany) and installed at the customer site. It is available in 55 standard measuring sizes ranging from 3000 mm x 2000 mm x 1200 mm to 7000 mm x 4000 mm x 3000 mm. The maximum part load is 15 metric tons. Gear types inspected include cyclindrical gears (spur, helical, double helical, internal and external spline, internal and external clutch, gear segments and gear racks) plus straight, spiral and hypoid bevel and crown gears. Gears can be evaluated to all major standards including DIN, ISO, AGMA, ANSI, JIS, CNOMO and CAT.

About Hexagon Metrology

Hexagon Metrology is part of the Hexagon AB Group and includes leading metrology brands such as Brown & Sharpe, CogniTens, DEA, Leica Geosystems (Metrology Division), Leitz, m&h, PC-DMIS, QUINDOS, ROMER, Sheffield and TESA. Hexagon Metrology brands represent an unrivaled global installed base of millions of CMMs, portable measuring systems and handheld instruments, and tens of thousands of metrology software licenses. Hexagon Metrology empowers its customers to fully control manufacturing processes that rely on dimensional precision, ensuring that products manufactured precisely conform to the original product design. The company offering of machines, systems and software is complemented by a wide range of product support, aftermarket and value-added services. More information can be found at www.HexagonMetrology.us

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