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Metris gantry CMM brings top accuracy for aerospace application 6/10/2009 12:13:00 PM

Metris gantry CMM brings top accuracy for aerospace application

Leuven, June 2nd, 2009 - A leading aerospace manufacturer recently took delivery of one of the widest ever bridge style co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) ever manufactured in the world. Building on the 40 year heritage of the LK brand, Metris developed the gantry CMM with a measurement volume of 6m x 6m x 3m, to run geometry verification on large aerospace components and assemblies.

Unmatched in terms of dimensional stability

While the length of the measuring volume was well within the capability of many CMM manufacturers, the requirement for the super-wide width meant that only Metris LK was able to provide a solution to meet the customer's accuracy specifications.

The gantry style CMM performs with an accuracy of 8 microns, which could only be achieved by the use of ceramic guide ways for the beam and spindle components. Ceramic is an ideal material for metrology because it offers the ultimate in stiffness combined with low weight and excellent thermal properties. Used in combination with double air bearings that prevent torsion, this ceramic LK gantry CMM provides high and long-lasting measurement accuracy. In its final location, the granite rails will be positioned on a purpose built 'U' shaped concrete foundation in order to provide the 3m vertical measurement range.

Long time experience with super-size CMMs

Metris' long time experience with engineering and manufacturing super-size CMMs was the customer's prime reason to choose the Metris solution. On several visits to Metris LK installations, the customer was impressed with the CMM accuracy and reliability that are second to none. Intensive collaboration with the customer enabled Metris to determine the final configuration and build the LK V 60.60.30 GP to perfectly match the customer's application needs. A growing number of leading global companies such as Caterpillar, BAE Systems, Buhler and many others, rely on Metris LK to efficiently tackle their large-scale co-ordinate measurement metrology challenges in this way.
Metris offers a large portfolio of standard super-sized CMM products, which can be customized and shaped into specific solutions to solve customers' specific measurement problems.

Tightly integrated multi-sensor capability

Multi-sensor capability is another key driver for world-class manufacturing companies to choose Metris. Next to touch trigger and continuous contact scanning, Metris CMMs fully support non-contact laser scanning with plug-and-play operation of Metris' innovative scanners. As a one-stop-metrology-shop, Metris offers complete CMM solutions with tightly integrated multi-sensor capability and software that drives the entire system and processes all inspection data.

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