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Hexagon Metrology Initiates Litigation against Metris and Mitutoyo
http://cn.newmaker.com 7/19/2009 8:58:00 PM  佳工机电网
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
Patent infringement suit concerns U.S. Patent No. 5,829,148, portable articulated arms

London, United Kingdom - July 16, 2009 - - Hexagon Metrology has filed a patent infringement suit in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts alleging that Metris N.V. and its U.S. subsidiary Metris U.S.A., Inc., and Mitutoyo Corporation and its U.S. subsidiary Mitutoyo America Corporation, have infringed U.S. Patent No. 5,829,148 by importing into the U.S. and offering to sell infringing portable arms.

''Hexagon Metrology welcomes fair competition,'' says William Gruber, President of Hexagon Metrology, ''but we will not stand by if competitors use our protected technology, which our customers recognize and rely upon and which has given us a leading position in the metrology industry.''

The suit seeks to prevent Metris and Mitutoyo from importing, offering for sale or using the infringing portable arms in the U.S.

Hexagon Metrology sells articulated arms in the U.S. under the brand name ROMER.

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