Delcam will launch the 2010 version of its CopyCAD reverse engineering software on booth 623 at the PDx/Amerimold product development exhibition to be held in Cincinnati from 11th to 13th May. The 2010 release includes a new solid modelling kernel, improved algorithms for surface creation with boundaries or with drive curves, plus new methods to use the software for the inspection of complex parts.
CopyCAD Pro is the only software to offer "Tribrid Modelling''; the addition of triangle modelling to the combination of surface and solid modelling that is offered in many other CAD packages as "hybrid modelling''. Having all the different modelling techniques in a single package reduces the need to transfer data between multiple programs and so streamlines the whole product development process. The extended range of functionality, for example, the ability to undertake Boolean operations between triangle meshes and solids or surfaces, makes CopyCAD Pro ideal for the re-engineering of existing products into improved designs or for creating bespoke products for individual patients in the healthcare industry.
As well as being available as a stand-alone reverse engineering system, CopyCAD Pro acts as the underlying engine for Delcam's dedicated software for the healthcare sector, DentCAD for the design of dental restorations and OrthoModel for the development of custom orthotics. Both these programs will, therefore, also benefit from the developments in the 2010 release.
The integration of the new solid modelling kernel means that CopyCAD can act as the reverse engineering front end for all leading CAD systems. Scan data from all types of device will be able to be converted into solid models within CopyCAD Pro and then exported directly into these systems.
The addition of the new solid modelling functionality will be especially helpful for design engineers that need to create fully-functional designs from physical concept models. These models are often sculpted from solid material so they only represent the external form of the design. As well as capturing data from these surfaces, CopyCAD Pro allows them to be developed into complete CAD models for downstream operations, by adding thickness to the surfaces and adding features such as ribs and bosses.
The new surfacing algorithms in CopyCAD Pro 2010 have improved the creation of surfaces from the triangle mesh. The methods give the user total control over the way the complete data set is divided into its component features. A series of edges can be sketched onto the triangles and a surface is created from the mesh. The tolerances used can be set to give either the smoothest surface or the best fit to the triangles. A visual error map can be generated to show the quality of the fit and the tolerances then adjusted if required.
Finally, CopyCAD Pro can now be used to undertake triangle-based inspection using laser point clouds when no CAD model exists, for example when creating duplicates of historic artefacts. Scan data can be taken from the original model and then compared with data from the item to be inspected. The resulting error map will highlight any differences between the two items.