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US Trade Commission Will Investigate Portable Measuring Arm Imports
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/9/2009 9:04:00 PM  佳工机电网
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
Commission votes to review Hexagon Metrology's Patent Infringement Complaint against Metris and Mitutoyo

London, United Kingdom, September 2nd, 2009 - The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has issued a press release announcing it will begin an investigation based on Hexagon Metrology's complaint and assertion that Metris N.V. and Mitutoyo Corporation and their respective US based subsidiaries have imported and offered for sale portable measuring arms in the United States that infringe on Hexagon Metrology's U.S. Patent No. 5,829,148.

The USITC will investigate the complaint pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, which seeks to prevent injury to US business and industry on the basis of unfair import competition and intellectual property infringement. Hexagon Metrology has requested the USITC issue an exclusion and cease and desist order.

''We are pleased that the USITC has agreed to investigate our complaint'' said Bill Gruber, President of Hexagon Metrology. ''We welcome fair competition, but we cannot abide by unfair expropriation of the very technologies, which have established us as a leader in this industry.''

The complaint to the USITC was filed in addition to a previously announced patent infringement suit filed by Hexagon Metrology against Metris N.V. and Mitutoyo Corporation in US District Court in Massachusetts.

The USITC's release on the investigation can be found here:

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