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New Metris articulated arms make handheld scanning easy and provide accurate data everywhere 4/8/2009 2:46:00 PM

New Metris articulated arms make handheld scanning easy and provide accurate data everywhere

Leuven, March 27th, 2009 - At Westec 2009 in Los Angeles (US), Metris launches the new 7-axis MCA v2.5 range of articulated arms with a measurement volume between 2.4 and 3.6m diameter. Battery operation and wireless data communication enable users to quickly set up the portable system and efficiently utilize it at any location. MCA is part of an integrated solution that allows handheld inspection jobs to be tackled faster by combining top-class laser scanners with flexible tactile probing.

Growing demand for handheld scanning

Driven by a growing market demand for handheld scanning solutions, articulated measuring arms are increasingly equipped with laser scanners to realize a Digital Inspection Process. The concept of digitizing samples up-front and running inspection on the digital copies of the samples offers distinct flexibility and automation benefits. Powerful handheld Metris solutions - combining an MCA with a digital ModelMaker laser scanner - provide a broader application scope, better ergonomics and unparalleled productivity.

Truly stand-alone measuring arm

The MCA truly operates as a stand-alone metrology solution that can operate at any indoor and outdoor location. Users mount the arm quickly and securely using the integrated 3 ½''x8 adaptor or a powerful magnetic base to reliably clamp the arm to metal surfaces. A charged battery provides hours of measurement autonomy, for both the arm and scanner.

Wireless data transmission swiftly transfers individual point coordinates or point clouds to your laptop. This ensures that the focus is on the inspection job rather than wasting valuable time on resolving setup issues. The resulting graphical reports provide geometric insight on the spot, or can be consulted at any convenient time.

Quick and repeatable sensor exchange

The 7-axis MCA offers the possibility to combine laser scanning and tactile measurement in a single inspection job. When switching between probe tips, MCA avoids human error through automatic probe recognition. Metris also redesigned the patent-pending floating probe to further enhance ergonomics. To facilitate pipe bending measurement, MCA now supports a range of laser forks.

MCA features improved ergonomics

MCA features premium encoder technology, optimized tube length ratios, a counter balance for lightweight handling, and an ergonomic handgrip with integrated buttons to guarantee smooth and accurate operation. The magnetic brake is an ergonomic feature that guarantees effortless operation during prolonged scanning tasks. In addition, MCA automatically activates the magnetic brake to establish smooth parking of the arm in secure resting position.

A complete all-Metris solution

Digitizing entire parts and processing the acquired point clouds in Focus Inspection speeds up every step in the Digital Inspection Process, from straightforward data capture to evaluating geometry using graphic comparison reports. Metris supplies a complete handheld scanning solution, including MCA articulated arm, top-class digital ModelMaker scanner and fully-featured point cloud processing software. A one-stop-shop offering fully integrated metrology solutions provides the best guarantee for smooth and reliable system operation and solid product support.

Learn more on the complete MCA range

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