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Objet Geometries releases software enhancement for SolidWorks 2009 7/19/2009 9:04:00 PM
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New CADMatrix™ add-in allows direct control of 3D model material preferences for Connex™ printing, streamlining multi-part, multi-material design process

Rehovot, Israel (June 13, 2009) - the innovation leader in 3D printing, today announced a new add-in for SolidWorks® 2009 computer-aided design (CAD) software, CADMatrix™.

Available free of charge at the Objet Web site, the new CADMatrix™ add-in enables designers
and engineers to seamlessly assign Objet model materials to multi-part, multi-material designs within SolidWorks, thus allowing for increased control of 3D model validation.

The CADMatrix™ software for SolidWorks 2009 is designed specifically for users of Objet's
groundbreaking Connex™ systems, the first to allow simultaneous printing of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties. Based on Objet's revolutionary PolyJet Matrix™ technology, the Connex™ affords new time and price efficiencies in product development and manufacturing.

''We are proud to partner with Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. to bring this great new
capability to the SolidWorks design community,'' said Amit Shvartz, VP Marketing at Objet. ''The
Connex™ was the first 3D system to access the world of multi-material printing, an opportunity never before available. Now the introduction of CADMatrix™ takes this opportunity to a whole new level, allowing leading designers using SolidWorks to assign materials for the Connex directly in the design software platform.''

Enhancing Capabilities for Multi-Material Designs
Using an intuitive three-step wizard, the new CADMatrix™ add-in guides users in assigning
different materials to different parts of the design. Once the assignment process is completed, the add-in produces a ready-to-print Objet Digital Format (ObjDF) file, which can be sent by e-mail or exported for printing on the Connex™. As a result, designers and engineers can reduce design cycles and the need for reprints, speeding up the 3D printing process and ensuring greater model integrity as definitions are immediately implemented inside the design.

SolidWorks 2009 expands on the software's history of ease of use, design power and affordability

by allowing design teams to spend more time on innovation and less on CAD software operations,
ultimately making their companies more successful. The software helps companies design better

products more quickly and easily through an array of unique features, including more than 260 customerdriven enhancements and significant innovations that break new ground in engineering efficiency.

SolidWorks 2009 delivers a dramatic increase in speed, a reflection of an intensive effort focused directly on performance; improved workflow and verification capabilities to improve product quality; numerous drawing improvements; single-window, fully associative integration with all SolidWorks software products and many additional enhancements that directly satisfy customer requests.

''Objet Geometries has built a strong reputation for delivering the innovative rapid prototyping
capabilities that many engineers need,'' said Nick Iwaskow, Manager, Alliances at DS SolidWorks.
''Together, Objet and SolidWorks 2009 give engineers the tools, design power, and ease of use to streamline product development and design better products more quickly and effectively than ever

CADMatrix™ for SolidWorks is available from the Objet Geometries download center at: http://www.objet.com/DownloadCenter

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries Ltd., a pioneer in photopolymer jetting, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-Dimensional printing systems and materials that utilize PolyJet™ and PolyJet Matrix™ polymer jetting technologies to print ultra-thin layers.

The market-proven Eden™ line of 3-D Printing Systems and the Alaris30 3-D Printer are based on Objet's patented office-friendly PolyJet Technology. Connex500™ is based on Objet's PolyJet Matrix™ technology, which jets multiple model materials simultaneously and creates composite Digital Materials™ on the fly. All Objet systems use Objet's FullCure® materials to create accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3-dimensional models.

Objet's solutions enable manufacturers and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development cycles and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan.

Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions.

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