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Z Corporation Introduces zp150 Composite Material for Tougher 3D Printed Parts, Rich Colors and Whiter Whites
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/10/2009 9:58:00 AM  佳工机电网
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
New Material Extends the Capabilities of the World's Only Multicolor 3D Printers

06/09/09 - BURLINGTON, Mass., USA - Z Corporation today released zp®150, a premium composite build material for its ZPrinter® 450 and ZPrinter® 650 3D printers. zp150 improves the strength and color of 3D printed models for 3D CAD while producing whiter whites for applications such as architectural modeling where true white is the traditional standard.

Using zp150, water for the first time can be used as the curing agent in finishing multicolor models; ideal for early prototypes and education environments. In addition, the zp150 material improves on Z Corporation's best-selling composite materials with the following enhancements:

40 percent increase in ''green'' strength for improved ease of use
40 percent increase in final strength of parts cured with Z-Bond 101
Noticeable increase in richness of colors and brightness of whites
100 percent increase in strength of water-cured parts, an easy, clean process that finishes parts with a spritz of water''The ability to print small features is very important to us,'' says Aaron Brackett, mechanical engineering manager at Enterasys Networks, a leading provider of networking hardware and security software solutions. ''zp150 has allowed us to prototype details like heat sink fins and pin connectors more vividly and precisely than ever before with our ZPrinter 450.''

The new material is the latest industry breakthrough by Z Corporation, maker of the world's fastest 3D printers and the only ones capable of printing in multiple colors. In addition to hardware, Z Corporation provides powerful software - including its ZEdit™ Pro 3D printing optimization toolbox - and the broadest range of materials for producing stronger, better-looking, and environmentally friendly parts at the lowest cost in the industry.

''The new zp150 build material exemplifies our ongoing commitment to improving the 3D printing experience,'' said John M. Kawola, Z Corporation CEO. ''In many ways these materials create a de facto upgrade in capabilities for existing ZPrinters, enabling users to create even better quality parts without purchasing a new machine.''


zp150 is now available through Z Corporation's worldwide reseller network. Sample parts printed in zp150 are available for order at http://www.zcorp.com/en/forms/Demo+Part+Store/form.aspx.

About Z Corporation

Z Corporation makes products that enable users to capture, edit, and print 3D data with unprecedented speed, ease, versatility and affordability. These products include the world's fastest high-definition 3D printers — machines that produce physical 3D models from digital data in full color - and uniquely portable 3D scanners - handheld machines that digitize 3D surfaces in real time. Z Corp. technology is enabling a wide range of applications in manufacturing, architecture, civil engineering, reverse engineering, geographic information systems (GIS), medicine and entertainment.

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