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Objet Geometries Launches Connex350™ 3D Printer 6/24/2009 10:14:00 PM

Objet Geometries Launches Connex350™ 3D Printer

Expanded System Family First to Print Multiple Materials Simultaneously

Rehovot, Israel (June 17, 2009) - the innovation leader in 3D printing, today launched the Connex350™, the company's second rapid prototyping system that allows product developers and manufacturers to simultaneously print multiple materials with different mechanical and physical properties. Modeled after Objet's groundbreaking Connex500™, the only other 3D printer in the world with this capability, the Connex350™ will debut on June 22-26 at the inaugural Time Compression Expo and Conference in Chicago and on June 23-24 at the Devcon 2009, Dassault Systems Developer Conference in Velizy, France.

The Connex350™ features the same revolutionary technology as its predecessor, the Connex500™, with a smaller build tray size (350x350x200mm). The Connex500™ has received numerous technology innovation, and design honors, including the Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Innovation, the EuroMold Product Development Award, the RadTech USA Emerging Technologies Award and the Red Dot Award for product design. The Connex500™ has been embraced by many leading companies in the fields of consumer goods, consumer electronics, education, services bureaus and many others worldwide.

''We are extremely proud to bring this high-quality, high-value system to market, thus establishing the first family of multi-material 3D printers,'' said David Reis, president and CEO of Objet Geometries. ''The proven capabilities of the Connex family will increase productivity, revenues and innovation for forward-thinking organizations.''

Unparalleled Versatility and Precision
Like the Connex500™, the Connex350™ utilizes Objet's patented PolyJet Matrix™ Technology, which yields high-quality multi-material models with unprecedented levels of detail and accuracy that closely emulate the look, feel and function of end products.

The system achieves multi-material printing by jetting two distinct Objet FullCure® photopolymer model materials in preset combinations. The dual-jet process combines these multiple materials to produce mixed parts and to create one-of-a-kind Digital Materials™, that have pre-set, user-defined combinations of mechanical properties—a feature available only on Connex systems. The two FullCure® model materials are jetted from designated nozzles according to location and model type, providing full control of their structure and mechanical properties.

The combination of rubberlike, flexible material and rigid material allows users to print models for a virtually unlimited variety of applications, from coating and shock absorbers to living hinges and gaskets. The Connex350™ allows perfect simulation of over molded parts, saving time and money, and the resulting models are extremely durable with exceptionally smooth surface finish.

''Companies face increased competitive pressure in this challenging economic climate,'' said Reis. ''The Connex350™ will help achieve a company's goals, launching their next product by reducing time to market and increasing product innovation, delivering impressive return on investment.''

Additional information on the Connex350™ is available at: http://www.objet.com/Connex350/

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries Ltd., a pioneer in photopolymer jetting, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-Dimensional printing systems and materials that utilize PolyJet™ and PolyJet Matrix™ polymer jetting technologies to print ultra-thin layers.

The market-proven Eden™ line of 3-D Printing Systems and the Alaris30 3-D Printer are based on Objet's patented office-friendly PolyJet Technology. Connex500™ is based on Objet's PolyJet Matrix™ technology, which jets multiple model materials simultaneously and creates composite Digital Materials™ on the fly. All Objet systems use Objet's FullCure® materials to create accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3-dimensional models.

Objet's solutions enable manufacturers and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development cycles and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan.

Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions.

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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