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DurusWhite Fullcure430 Material is Now Available for Objet's Eden250 and Eden260 Printers 10/12/2008 8:05:00 PM

DurusWhite Fullcure430 Material is Now Available for Objet's Eden250 and Eden260 Printers

Expanded availability of DurusWhite follows high acceptance by Objet users

Rehovot, Israel (October 2, 2008) - Objet Geometries Ltd. the innovation leader in 3-D printing, today announced that Durus™ FullCure® line of photopolymer materials has been expanded to support the Eden250™ and Eden260™ office machines and is now available in 2kg cartridges.

DurusWhite FullCure430 addresses a broad range of applications requiring polypropylene-like toughness, strength and flexibility, such as food packaging, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components and more. By being available in the smaller cartridge size education departments, medical centers, consumer electronics and consumer goods designers will be able to create more applications.

DurusWhite gives the -white transparent look and feel of final products made of polypropylene. It also simulates the toughness (Izod Notched Impact of 44.22 J/m), flexibility (Elongation at Break of 44.2%) and strength (Modulus of Elasticity of 1135 MPa) of polypropylene.

The mechanical properties of DurusWhite simulate polypropylene resistance to fatigue and enable snap-fit functionality over time, which are critical for products with hinged mechanisms. This is a key success factor for materials in rapid prototyping, where their ability to simulate the final product is their most significant quality.

''Launching DurusWhite FullCure430 for office machines enables a wider range of Objet users to experience the advantages of polypropylene-like material,'' said Adina Shorr, CEO of Objet Geometries. ''Now more organizations and design offices can use this new material for applications requiring polypropylene simulation, which they were unable to utilize to create previously. As always, our ultimate goal is to give better solutions to our customers.''

DurusWhite can be used with the following Objet 3-Dimensional Printing Systems: Connex500, Eden500V, Eden350V, Eden350, Eden330/333 and now Eden260 and Eden250. It is delivered in an environment-friendly, sealed 3.6kg casing (available with a choice of 3.6kg and 1.44kg material weights) for Professional and Connex500 printers, and now also is delivered in 2kg cartridges for office machines.

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries the photopolymer jetting pioneer, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-dimensional printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. It offers a wide range of solutions, including the market-proven Eden line of systems, based on Objet's patented PolyJet™ technology and the Connex500™, based on PolyJet Matrix technology. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan. Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe, China and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patens and patent pending inventions.

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