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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet Announces New Rubber Like Flexible Material 9/23/2007 11:11:00 PM

Objet Announces New Rubber Like Flexible Material

Rehovot, Israel - September 4, 2007 The new resin - TangoPlus, FullCure930 - expands the Tango family of rubber-like materials, offering exceptional elongation at break, excellent toughness and durability and high resistance to tearing. It addresses a broad range of applications requiring rubber-like flexibility and durability, such as gaskets and seals, hoses, athletic footwear, toys and more.

The new material offers unmatched combination of mechanical properties that sets a new standard in rubber-like performance. At 218%, the elongation at break of TangoPlus is more than double that of any other rapid prototyping material available on the market. It is highly resistant to tearing and has a Ross Flex measurement in excess of 150,000. Thus, TangoPlus offers outstanding resistance to deterioration, making it ideal for models that are likely to be exposed to long use or rough handling.

TangoPlus FullCure930 a semi-translucent elastomer builds on the success of the market-proven TangoGray and TangoBlack materials, which also offer specific levels of elasticity. With the addition of TangoPlus to the Tango family, Objet now offers the widest range of rubber-like materials in the rapid prototyping and 3-D modeling market.

''TangoPlus is a result of Objet's continued focus on offering our customers the most versatile solution for all 3-D modeling needs,'' said Adina Shorr, CEO of Object Geometries. ''By expanding our range of materials, we enable more applications, particularly in the areas of communication models and functional prototypes for applications requiring rubber-like flexibility.''

TangoPlus is targeted to the professional models of its Eden 3-Dimensional Printing Systems, the Eden500V and Eden350V. It is delivered in convenient sealed 3.6kg cartridges.

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries Ltd., a pioneer in photopolymer jetting, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-Dimensional printing systems and materials that utilize PolyJet™ Polymer Jetting technology, to print ultra-thin 16-micron layers.

PolyJet technology and Objet's high-speed product platform, which is suitable for use in an office-type facility, enables accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3-dimensional models and parts. PolyJet technology enables manufacturers and industrial designers to reduce product-development cycles and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products in many industries. Objet's solutions are in use by world leaders in the automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, jewelry and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan.

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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