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Dimension 3D Printing Group Introduces the uPrint™ Personal 3D Printer
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/27/2009 1:48:00 PM  佳工机电网
Dimension 3D Printing Group Introduces the uPrint™ Personal 3D PrinteruPrint breaks $15,000 barrier with fully functional, desktop-sized 3D printer; see demo video at www.dimensionprinting.com

MINNEAPOLIS - Jan. 26, 2009 - The Dimension 3D Printing Group, a business unit of Stratasys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSYS), today launched the uPrint Personal 3D Printer (priced at $14,900 USD) at the annual Dimension reseller conference in Anaheim, Calif.

uPrint is available for purchase immediately through authorized resellers and joins Dimension's market-leading line of 3D Printers. Designed for the desktop, uPrint requires only a 25 x 26 in. footprint and features an 8 x 6 x 6 in. build envelope. Using Dimension's proven FDM technology, uPrint builds models with Stratasys ABSplus — a material on average 40 percent stronger than the company's standard ABS material, making it ideally suited for testing the form, fit and function of models and prototypes. uPrint also features a soluble support removal system, allowing for hands-free removal of the model support material.

As a personal 3D printer, uPrint makes 3D printing immediate and convenient through every design iteration. There's no waiting in queue for a shared printer and no waiting for models to arrive from an outside service.

''uPrint is an important advance for Dimension's product line, providing users a networked, desktop-sized 3D printer capable of building durable, accurate models ready for testing,'' said Jon Cobb, vice president and general manager of 3D printing for Stratasys. ''uPrint will appeal to designers, engineers, architects, artists, teachers and others working in CAD. With uPrint, they can get an affordable, high-quality 3D modeling system that's available today.''

Investor Conference Call
Stratasys will hold a conference call to discuss the launch of the Uprint personal 3D printer on Monday, Jan. 26, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. (ET). The investor conference call will be available via a live Web cast on the Stratasys Web site at www.stratasys.com under the "Investors" tab, or can be accessed directly at http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?p=irol-eventDetails&c=61402&eventID=2073661.
To participate by telephone, the domestic dial-in number is 888-713-4216 and the international dial-in is 617-213-4868. The access code is 64422039. Investors are advised to dial into the call at least ten minutes prior to the call to register. Participants may pre-register for the call at www.theconferencingservice.com/prereg/key.process?key=RL8P67R3P. Pre-registrants will be issued a pin number to use when dialing into the live call that will provide quick access to the conference by bypassing the operator upon connection. The Web cast will be available for 90 days on the "Investors" page of the Stratasys Web site.

For more information on Dimension 3D printers, visit www.dimensionprinting.com or call toll free 888-480-3548 (U.S.).

About The Dimension 3D Printing Group
The Dimension 3D Printing Group is a business unit of Stratasys, Inc., based in Minneapolis, Minn. Dimension 3D printers - which include uPrint, the Elite, the Dimension 1200es Series and the Dimension 768 Series - are networked, desktop modeling systems that provide CAD (Computer Aided Design) users a fast, office-friendly, low-cost alternative for building functional 3D prints. Dimension 3D printers build accurate models layer by layer using durable ABS plastic, allowing users to not only evaluate design concepts, but test 3D prints for functionality, form and fit. With the first large-format desktop 3D printer that sells for less than $30,000, Dimension incorporates many key features found in modeling systems that cost tens of thousands of dollars more.

Stratasys Inc., Minneapolis, manufactures office-based rapid prototyping and direct digital manufacturing systems, 3D printers and offers rapid prototyping and manufacturing parts services. According to Wohlers Report 2008, Stratasys supplied 44 percent of all systems installed worldwide in 2007, making it the unit market leader, for the sixth consecutive year. Stratasys developed the rapid prototyping process known as fused deposition modeling (FDM). The process creates functional models and end-use parts directly from any 3D CAD program using ABS plastic, polycarbonate, PPSF, and blends. The company holds over 180 granted or pending rapid prototyping patents globally. Stratasys products are used in the aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, education, electronic, architecture and consumer product industries. The company's systems are also used for direct digital manufacturing (DDM) and rapid tooling applications. For more information on the company, go to www.Stratasys.com; www.DimensionPrinting.com; or www.RedEyeOnDemand.com.

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