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IPC unveils April printed circuit board report
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/3/2009 9:11:00 AM  佳工机电网
PCB线路板, IGBT模块, PIM功率模块, 可控硅模块, 红外线接收头, ...
The Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC) has unveiled its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) statistics for the month of April. Following are some highlights: Rigid PCB shipments were down 37.1% and bookings were down 26.9% in April 2009 from April 2008. Year to date, rigid PCB shipments are down 27.7% and bookings are down 33.7%. Compared to the previous month, rigid PCB shipments declined 22.6% and rigid bookings decreased 5.5%. The book-to-bill ratio for the North American rigid PCB industry in April 2009 increased to 0.98. (A ratio of more than 1.00 suggests that current demand is ahead of supply, which is a positive indicator for sales growth over the next two to three months.)

Flexible circuit shipments in April 2009 were down 2.1%, and bookings were off 0.3% compared to April 2008. Year to date, flexible circuit shipments are up 3.9% and bookings are down 5.5%. Compared to the previous month, flexible circuit shipments declined 14.9% and flex bookings were down 1.5%. The North American flexible circuit book-to-bill ratio in April 2009 improved to 0.94.

For rigid PCBs and flexible circuits combined, industry shipments in April 2009 decreased 34.7% from April 2008 and orders booked decreased 25.1% from April 2008. Year to date, combined industry shipments are down 25.7% and bookings are down 32%. Compared to the previous month, combined industry shipments for April 2009 were down 21.8% and bookings were down 5.2%. The combined (rigid and flex) industry book-to-bill ratio in April 2009 climbed to 0.97.

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·IPC公布最新全球PCB生产和基材市场报告 1/14/2009
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·Altium Designer设定全新三维PCB设计性能标准 1/8/2009
·Valor收购PCB Matrix公司,提高CAD数据库生成效率 1/7/2009
·Cybernet与DownStream结成亚太区域战略合作伙伴 1/7/2009
·Mentor Graphics:成本压力下实现设计差异化的关键 1/6/2009
·倍加福推出印刷电路板检测用传感器ML8系列 1/5/2009
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·林德携手中国一流大学开发电子封装环保技术方案 3/5/2009
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·Valor DFM软件走进桂林电子科技大学 2/3/2009
·IPC公布最新全球PCB生产和基材市场报告 1/14/2009
·印度PCB产业未来或将对中国形成威胁 1/11/2009
·Valor收购PCB Matrix公司,提高CAD数据库生成效率 1/7/2009
·Cybernet与DownStream结成亚太区域战略合作伙伴 1/7/2009
·Mentor Graphics:成本压力下实现设计差异化的关键 1/6/2009
·电子元器件及材料展区 > PCB/其它元器件展厅 > PCB线路板 > PCB/其它元器件新闻

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