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Autodesk Releases SketchBook Mobile for Android
http://cn.newmaker.com 12/4/2010 4:50:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Public Voting on Digital Art Finalists for ''SketchBook Hero'' Contest Opens Today

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Autodesk University—Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK), announced that the Autodesk SketchBook Mobile app is now available for use on Android™ devices. Autodesk SketchBook Mobile is a professional-grade digital paint and drawing app that offers a full set of sketching tools.

Autodesk SketchBook Mobile uses the same engine as Autodesk SketchBook Pro desktop software, delivering much of the same power and functionality to mobile devices. A combination of high-quality digital pencils, pens, markers and airbrushes, as well as an artist-friendly, gesture-based user interface, helps enable users to capture their ideas as quick informal sketches or produce artwork on-the-go. A wide range of designers, illustrators, graphic artists, students and hobbyists are among the millions of people who have downloaded SketchBook Mobile since its debut in 2009.

''The popularity of the SketchBook products has shown that people want to generate creative content on their mobile devices, not simply consume it,'' said Samir Hanna, vice president of Consumer Products at Autodesk. ''We're excited to offer SketchBook Mobile to the millions of consumers around the world who rely on mobile devices running on the Android platform.''

Finalists Named for Autodesk SketchBook Hero Image Contest

The company also announced that it has chosen finalists in its digital art contest for users of the Autodesk SketchBook digital painting and drawing products. The winning submission will be featured on the splash screen of Autodesk SketchBook Mobile and will appear each time the application is launched. The finalists are Mahesh Gopalakrishna, Philipp Gruhn, Rubens LP, Laura Lukauskaite, Deborah McMillion, Luis Peso and Mathieu Reynès. Public voting on the finalists will be open from November 30, 2010, to December 14, 2010. Each person may vote only once. The winner will be announced on December 21, 2010. To learn more about the contest, visit www.autodesk.com/sketchbookhero.

Pricing and Availability

Autodesk SketchBook Mobile ($2.99) and a free* Autodesk SketchBook Mobile Express app are available immediately for use on a wide range of devices running Android 2.1 and above and can be downloaded from Android Market. To learn more about the SketchBook Mobile and SketchBook Mobile Express apps, visit www.autodesk.com/sketchbookmobile.

About Autodesk

Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries -- including the last 15 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects -- use Autodesk software to design, visualize and simulate their ideas. Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art software for global markets. For additional information about Autodesk, visit www.autodesk.com.

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