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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet to Present Latest Advances of Its 3D Printers and Materials at EuroMold 2010 11/6/2010 3:29:00 PM
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
Objet will hold technology demonstrations of its new materials.Also, on display will be the latest advances in Objet's full suite of 3D printers. Objet at EuroMold 2010 - Hall 11; Stand C92

Rehovot, Israel, October 29, 2010 - Objet Geometries Ltd., the innovation leader in 3D printing for rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing, will showcase its latest advances of 3D printing offering during EuroMold 2010, including its desktop, professional and high-end 3D printing systems. Furthermore, Objet will hold technology demonstrations for its new materials that feature new mechanical and thermal properties that open the way to advanced applications for a wide array of industries.

Attendees will also be able to watch a live printing process by the award-winning Objet Connex - the only 3D printing solution that prints in a single build process parts and assemblies made of multiple materials with different mechanical and physical properties.

''We are pleased to invite Euromold attendees to discover our latest 3D printing innovations. We are committed to making high-quality 3D printing more affordable while having new applications to professional and high-end users,'' said David Reis, President and Chief Executive Officer of Objet Geometries. ''The show is also a great opportunity to see many of our latest technology developments in materials that will offer our customers substantial added benefits, including simulating engineering plastics and enhanced visualization capabilities. With the new materials and applications, our customers will have better competitive advantages and will be able to bring their products to market faster.''

At the show, Objet will showcase its broad portfolio of breakthrough 3D printers, all of which create extremely durable, high-quality models with exceptional levels of detail and clean, smooth surfaces.

The Objet 3D printers will be accessible at both Objet booth and the adjacent booth of Objet's Germany-based partner, RTC.

We look forward to hosting Euromold attendees at the Objet booth - Hall 11; Stand C92 - to experience the latest in 3D printing and materials.

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