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IDES Unveils New CostMate® Plastic Injection Molding Part Cost Estimator & Quote System
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/20/2010 9:26:00 AM  佳工机电网
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Laramie, WY - An accurate estimate of piece part cost is essential when developing a plastic product. The challenge is making sure that all of the cost drivers have been accounted for. Mistakes during the estimation phase can be tremendously costly once the part is actually produced and sold.

In 1997, IDES originally developed CostMate®, an injection molding part cost estimator, to help plastic injection molders determine the true cost of an injection molded plastic part. Recently the functionality of CostMate® was enhanced to provide more accurate quotes and save estimates online.

The new CostMate® has been integrated into the Prospector plastics search engine so that resin information is transparently pulled into estimates. Project quotes can now be easily stored and retrieved for future use. Additionally, a secondary cost feature makes it easy to account for things like shipping, packaging or other items. Full part and sprue/runner entries make it possible to track material and regrind use and cost.

Information about CostMate is available at: http://www.ides.com/prospector/costmate.asp

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