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Estane® Engineered Polymers introduces an expanded injection molding portfolio with Isoplast™ ETPUs
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/27/2009 9:16:00 AM  佳工机电网
Estane® Engineered Polymers introduces an expanded injection molding portfolio with Isoplast™ ETPUsLubrizol Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of The Lubrizol Corporation (NYSE: LZ), is introducing an expanded portfolio with the addition of Isoplast™ Engineering Thermoplastic Polyurethane Resins (ETPUs).

Isoplast ETPUs combine the toughness and dimensional stability of amorphous resins with the superior performance and chemical resistance associated with semi-crystalline resins. Isoplast ETPU is available in impact-modified, clear and glass-reinforced resins, offering a range of options to meet the most demanding injection molding applications.

•Impact-modified resins provide the best practical toughness of any rigid polymer — they are ideal for parts that will experience significant impact and abuse during use.
•Clear resins are processable with injection molding, extrusion or blow molding methods.
•Glass resins offer easy, cost-effective processing, even with 60 percent glass loadings.

''We are excited to be adding the Isoplast ETPU capabilities and products to our existing Estane Engineered Polymers business'' said Mike Vaughn, Lubrizol vice president, Engineered Polymers. ''Given the strong brand recognition in the U.S., this addition further supports our strategy of growth through geographic expansion as it will allow us to introduce new products and technology to international markets. We continue to strengthen and expand our product portfolio and provide access into new end uses, such as niche medical applications, which we believe will benefit our customers worldwide.''

Isoplast ETPUs are known for their use in a variety of niche, specialty applications that require its unique combination of high-end engineering properties such as clarity, impact strength and chemical resistance. ''Our global team is excited about the new opportunities that the Isoplast ETPUs will bring to our product portfolio'', says Deb Langer, global business manager, Isoplast ETPU, Estane® Engineered Polymers. ''We are already working with customers to develop new products for uses in injection molding and other applications.''

For more information about Estane® Engineered Polymers, please contact us directly in Shanghai, call 86-21-38660366 or email us at enquiry.tpu3@lubrizol.com. To learn more about Lubrizol's innovative technologies or more about Estane® Engineered Polymers go to www.lubrizol.com.

Estane® is a registered trademark of The Lubrizol Corporation.

About The Lubrizol Corporation

The Lubrizol Corporation (NYSE: LZ) is an innovative specialty chemical company that produces and supplies technologies that improve the quality and performance of our customers' products in the global transportation, industrial and consumer markets. These technologies include lubricant additives for engine oils, other transportation-related fluids and industrial lubricants, as well as fuel additives for gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition, Lubrizol makes ingredients and additives for personal care products and pharmaceuticals; specialty materials, including plastics technology and performance coatings in the form of specialty resins and additives. Lubrizol's industry-leading technologies in additives, ingredients and compounds enhance the quality, performance and value of customers' products, while reducing their environmental impact.

With headquarters in Wickliffe, Ohio, The Lubrizol Corporation owns and operates manufacturing facilities in 19 countries, as well as sales and technical offices around the world. Founded in 1928, Lubrizol has approximately 6,800 employees worldwide. Revenues for 2008 were $5.0 billion. For more information, visit www.lubrizol.com.

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