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PCI, Nordson to hold advanced powder coating workshop
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/9/2010 9:29:00 AM  佳工机电网
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The Powder Coating Institute, or PCI, will hold an advanced two-day hands-on powder coating workshop Feb. 22-23. The event will take place at the headquarters of Nordson Corporation in Amherst, Ohio.

The two-day powder coating course organzed by PCI and Nordson is designed for: People with a minimum of three years experience in powder coatings; Those who have attended a previous PCI Powder Coating 2-Day Workshop; Individuals looking for ways to improve their current powder coating operation or make their powder coating process more efficient and effective.

The two-day classroom style presentation will entail: Powder coating selection and total cost per square foot analysis; Troubleshooting a powder application and recovery system including maintenance requirements; Powder coating color change and most efficient and effective use of powder coating equipment; Pretreatment system design and methods for optimal cleaning as well as process of parts through a cleaning machine; Curing ovens, dry off ovens, booster ovens, infrared ovens and the use of ultra violet with powder coatings; Use of gauges and coating evaluation methods including defect analysis.

Lastly, lab instruction will cover hands-on training in powder application, maintenance and troubleshooting; quality control and reject analysis; and utilization of proper equipment to perform proper coating evaluations.

Participants may register online or call the Powder Coating Institute at 832-585-0770 for more information. The deadline for registration is Feb. 11.

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