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http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:36:00 AM  ringier
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Finishing exhibitors invited to share the stage alongside equipment and chemical manufacturers.

DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids, Mich., host to a diverse range of industry conferences, meetings, and exhibitions, adds another special occasion to its roster of events scheduled for next year: SUR/FIN 2010! The announcement comes from the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF), the chief organizer and promoter of SUR/FIN 2010.

''We're excited about Grand Rapids, and we're looking forward to next year's SUR/FIN,'' said Eric Olander, chairman of the SUR/FIN Steering Committee. Much of that excitement revolves around the convention center that is DeVos Place. The sprawling space features a 162,000-square-foot, column-free exhibit hall, 40,000-square-foot ballroom, and 26 individual meeting rooms encompassing 32,000 square feet. According to Cheryl Clark, NASF's director of events, it's a layout well suited for SUR/FIN's program structure. ''The technical tracks would take place just across the lobby from the exhibition hall,'' she said. This would not only allow participants to take part in more sessions, but it would also encourage frequent visits to the show floor.

SUR/FIN organizers have other reasons to be enthusiastic. As convention center venues go, Downtown Grand Rapids scores high marks in terms of accessibility, ease of navigation, and amenities. The downtown area is located 15 minutes from Gerald Ford International Airport and is easily accessible from all major interstates—a plus for those planning to make the drive from nearby Indiana or Cleveland. On top of the traditional routes, there are also ferries and trains available to bring in attendees from important regional finishing markets such as Chicago and Wisconsin.

That's precisely the point NASF leadership is seeking to drive home, particularly as it looks to boost participation among finishers as well as their downstream customers. Logic being: higher finisher attendance at SUR/FIN should translate into greater manufacturer/OEM turnout. The key, according to Olander, lies in drumming up strong local participation by working closely with the Grand Rapids NASF branch on developing creative ways to encourage platers to showcase their talents on the show floor at SUR/FIN.

The primary incentive for finishers to exhibit entails a specially priced ''tabletop'' display opportunity. For $950, finishers will be entitled to a variety of benefits. Among them:  

• A 10 × 10 space that includes carpet & padding, 1 draped table, 2 chairs,
• Dedicated ''finishers page'' on the NASF website (before and after SUR/FIN)
• Dedicated section in the official SUR/FIN Show Directory
• Complimentary half-page advertisement in the official SUR/FIN Show Directory
• Free exhibit passes
• One free complimentary pass to the SUR/FIN Technical Conference
• Dedicated advertising campaign targeted toward audiences such as the automotive and aerospace industries, and organizations such as ASE, SME, and NASF
• Guarantee that space will be offered at the same price for the SUR/FIN 2011 show, set to take place in Chicago

By displaying their services and expertise on the show floor, finishers would have the opportunity to: showcase their company's special capabilities; network with their peers as well as suppliers; problem-solve with other finishers/platers; improve working relationships with suppliers; have a presence in front of engineers and other OEMs; and strengthen the industry through unity.

For booth space reservations, or for more general information about SUR/FIN 2010, please contact Cheryl Clark, director of events, NASF, at cclark@nasf.org. You may also call the NASF directly at (202) 457-8404.

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