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KraussMaffei's new surface treatment center in Allach
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:22:00 AM  佳工机电网
KraussMaffei's new surface treatment center in AllachKraussMaffei is investing around four million euros in its biggest production plant - located in Allach on the outskirts of Munich. The company is building and equipping a new surface treatment center to replace the existing paint shop. The innovative center is scheduled to be operational by the end of 2009.

Dr. Dietmar Straub, CEO of KraussMaffei AG, emphasizes: "This major investment is signposting the way forward. The new system will guarantee our customers the very highest quality - KraussMaffei is demonstrating its confidence by investing massively in the future of our main plant in Munich." The goal was to use intelligent synchronization to paint individual machine parts and assemblies and return them to the assembly line as they are needed. To achieve this KraussMaffei is building an innovative surface treatment center at its Munich plant. The practical concept will enable KraussMaffei to cut throughput times while delivering even higher surface quality. The Surface Treatment Center will consist of two separate units: an indexing system and a combined unit. The detail specification phase was concluded in close collaboration between KraussMaffei and Rippert Anlagentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, based in Herzebrock-Clarholz/North Rhine-Westphalia. Rippert will also be responsible for the construction of the system.

www. kraussmaffei.com

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