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Atlas Copco launches new micropiling system
http://cn.newmaker.com 12/8/2009 8:52:00 AM  佳工机电网
Atlas Copco launches new micropiling systemAs the global redevelopment of urban areas continues, the need for a cost-efficient method to stabilize structures in sensitive areas is increasing. Micropiling is growing in popularity as a method to reduce the effects of settlement in both existing and new constructions.

Atlas Copco is now introducing the latest technology in micropiling - the MAI SDA T111, a self-drilling micropile that drills and reinforces the hole in one single process.

The MAI SDA T111 consists of a 111 mm (4.37") diameter hollow threaded rod with a sacrificial drill bit. Thanks to extension couplings, the system offers a flexibility to easily adjust the rod length to the site requirements. This is especially useful if piling has to be performed in a confined workspace, for example with limited head room which is often the case in underpinning.

MAI SDA T111 self-drilling micropiles can be installed with most tophammer rigs, for example the compact Atlas Copco Mustang rigs. With only light equipment needed for installation of the SDA micropiles and with no need to use large concrete mixing trucks, less impact is made on the surrounding area in terms of exhaust fumes, noise pollution and vibrations.

''The T111 is primarily aimed at unconsolidated soil formations such as sand and gravel, and is ideal for difficult micropiling'', says Steve Greer, Vice President Geotechnical business at Atlas Copco. ''Thanks to a selection of drill bits, the T111 system can drill through anything from sandstone to hard rock.''

For more information contact your local Atlas Copco customer center.

For further information, please contact:
Steve Greer, Vice President Geotechnical Engineering Business
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
Phone: + 46 708 56 96 14
e-mail: steve.greer@se.atlascopco.com

Mathias Lewén, Vice President Communications
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
Phone: +46 702 40 80 06
e-mail: mathias.lewen@se.atlascopco.com

Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration is a division within Atlas Copco's Construction and Mining Technique business area. It develops, manufactures, and markets equipment for exploration drilling and ground engineering. The division is headquartered in Märsta, Sweden, and its production is organized in specialized competence centers in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Atlas Copco is a world leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. The products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and with 136 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group's global reach spans more than 160 markets. In 2008, Atlas Copco had 34 000 employees and revenues of BSEK 74 (BEUR 7.7). Learn more at www.atlascopco.com.

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