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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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New long hole drilling rig Simba S7 D enters the South American market 9/21/2009 8:34:00 PM

New long hole drilling rig Simba S7 D enters the South American market

The Simba S7 D is now available for long hole drilling in the small to medium range drift size. Focus has been to develop a versatile, reliable and safe drill rig for mining conditions. The rig is built upon a modern design with many common components with the successful Boomer S1 D face drilling rig.

The Simba S7 D will be the direct replacement for the well proven Simba 1257.

This Simba model has an efficient hydraulic direct control system with manual functions. The use of hydraulic pilot signals made it possible to create an ergonomic and convenient operators environment with all functions within reach from the operators seat.

The Simba S7 D has the drilling unit mounted on a boom providing excellent reach and versatility. The Simba S7 D can be used in many applications such as long hole drilling, production drilling and when cable bolt holes are to be drilled. A carousel attached to the drilling unit makes the drilling process fully mechanized, efficient and most important of all, safe for the operator.

''The demands on small, high performance, reliable and in the same time operator friendly drill rigs are high. With our Simba S7 D we managed to incorporate all these criteria", says Patrik Ericsson, Product Manager Long hole drilling equipment, Atlas Copco.

Compared to its predecessor the Simba S7 D provides several features such as:
Higher ground clearance
Tier 3/ Stage IIIA diesel engine
Faster tramming speed
Modern design
Communality in parts with the Boomer S1 D
Possibility to carry a water hose reel

An environmentally friendly Tier 3/ Stage IIIA diesel engine for tramming is built into a modern design chassis. The optional cabin of course meets the requirements from the authorities with FOPS approved roof and noise levels. And by the way, to make the operator happy we added air conditioner and HiFi sound system in the cabin, a happy operator means more drill meters!

Facts Simba S7 D
Drill bits 51-76(89)
Drill rods Speedrod, R32 / TC 35 /T38 / (T45), length 4'', 5'', 6''.
Hole length Mechanized drilling up to 20 m
Carousel RHS 10 10+1 rod

钻机, 潜孔钻机, 水平定向钻, 顶管机, 旋挖钻机, ...

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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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