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Fakuma a success for Arburg
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/18/2009 8:43:00 AM  佳工机电网
Fakuma a success for ArburgEnergy efficiency and sector-specific solutions respond precisely to the needs of customers / Industry event strikes a positive note

Arburg's presence at Fakuma 2009 was a success. The main focus on energy efficiency and sector-specific solutions attracted a great deal of interest from trade visitors and was perfectly in tune with the current requirements of the injection moulding industry. As hoped, the Fakuma struck a positive note for the future.

Arburg has seen a slight improvement in the order situation in recent weeks, thus signalling stabilisation, but at a low level. Michael Hehl, Arburg Managing Partner, spoke about these developments at the start of the exhibition: ''This year more than ever, the Fakuma is the focus of attention as an important trend indicator for the entire plastics sector. This exhibition will provide an indication of the developments to come in 2010.'' The positive trend in incoming orders continued throughout the Fakuma, giving Arburg good reason to be optimistic about the future.

Made-to-measure solutions

''The quality and level of interest among trade visitors were high. We engaged in numerous in-depth technical discussions and even managed to get specific projects with customers from Germany, Europe and overseas off the ground,'' says Helmut Heinson, Managing Director Sales. With its extensive range of products and services in the areas of energy efficiency, sector-specific solutions and automation, Arburg successfully demonstrated its credentials as the right partner for all areas of injection moulding at the Fakuma.

Continuous expansion of the energy-efficient machine range

The topic of energy efficiency took centre stage with a total of six Allrounder injection moulding machines bearing the Arburg ''e²'' energy-efficiency label. The main highlights were the electric Alldrive and the new, hybrid Hidrive machine series, both of which are subject to continuous development.

The Allrounder 270 A and 720 A launched in spring 2009 demonstrated the broad spectrum of Arburg electric machines, with clamping forces ranging from 350 to 3,200 kN. The range of applications of the large Alldrive machine has been expanded further with the new electric size 1300 injection unit, which had its premiere at the Fakuma. The hybrid Allrounder Hidrive range has also undergone significant expansion and now features the entire spectrum of Arburg modularity. It is thus possible to equip these high-performance machines with servo-electric ejectors, different injection units or the Multilift robotic system, for example. This was demonstrated with automation based on an electric Allrounder 370 H with Multilift V Select.

Simple robotic system programming thanks to Selogica

The increasing significance of robotic systems was reflected in the high degree of automation of the Fakuma exhibits. The advantages of the Selogica control system, which enables even complex production sequences to be programmed and controlled with ease, were clear to see. Highlights in this context included convenient programming of the Multilift robotic system via a teach-in function and of a six-axis robotic system through the implementation of the Selogica user interface. It was developed together with FPT, the OEM integrator for Kuka robotic systems and is already being used successfully in practice.

Wide range of energy-efficiency offerings

''Fakuma clearly showed that energy efficiency is not just about machines and systems, and is increasingly focussing on the entire production, organisation and planning process'', explains Herbert Kraibühler, Managing Director Technology & Engineering. There was therefore considerable interest among trade visitors in the additional Arburg products and services that can further increase efficiency in production. These include the Selogica feature ''Power measurement and energy consumption display'', the Arburg host computer system, preventive maintenance and special service as well as energy efficiency training.

Focus on sector-specific solutions

There was also an excellent response to the special sector-specific solutions, which are made possible thanks to the Arburg modular component system. The presentations included the manufacture of high-precision components for optics and technical injection moulding as well as high-speed applications from the fields of medical technology and packaging. The manufacture of six tubs in 3.5 seconds using the in-mould labelling process (IML) with an electric Allrounder 570 A and a new IML system from Swiss Robotics for the rapid provision of labels as well as the removal and set-down of the tubs proved to be a real crowd puller.

Specific projects initiated at the Fakuma

The comprehensive offering is rounded off by individual and sector-specific application technology consulting. The steady stream of visitors to the exhibition stand at the Fakuma showed that many people are already making use of this service. Both existing and prospective customers took the opportunity to sit down together with the experts from Arburg to discuss the implementation of new projects.

Website: www.arburg.com

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