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Hexagon Leica T-Scan TS50-A Released 6/24/2009 10:07:00 PM

Hexagon Leica T-Scan TS50-A Released

Updates to next generation hand-held scanner deliver better accuracy, speed and performance

Hexagon Metrology, Inc. announces the Leica T-Scan TS50-A hand-held laser scanner, which interfaces with the Leica Absolute Tracker. The new Leica T-Scan delivers improvements that result in a doubling of the data acquisition rate, a fifty percent improvement in scanned point density, and scanner accuracy improved by a third. Together, these changes deliver 6DoF laser scanning performance that makes contact-free measuring faster, more accurate, and more efficient.

The core of the product improvements lie with the unit's laser and optics system, which result not only in greater scanner accuracy, but also improved data quality, with a reduction in system noise, and an improved ability to scan all types of surfaces, particularly ones that are shiny or dark, under all lighting conditions. The scanner is capable of self-adjustment to lighting conditions, independent of the operator. Combined with the Leica Absolute Tracker system, the new T-Scan has improved system specifications of up to 25%.

''The TS50-A is the third generation T-Scan unit, and offers great improvements with absolutely no compromises,'' said David Armstrong, product manager, portable products for Hexagon Metrology, Inc. ''The increased sampling speed will be of particular interest for the T-Scan's core applications of digitizing and inspecting very large objects, such as aircraft or portions of aircraft, and the large blades for wind turbines. With usable scanning volumes of 59 feet (medium range system) or 98 feet (long range system) from the base unit, it really is an unbeatable solution for large volume 3D scanning.''

Ergonomic handing, robust design for shop floor and even outdoor environments, and improved accuracy specifications make the T-Scan TS50-A scanner solution an ideal solution for automotive, aerospace, windpower, shipbuilding, defense and heavy equipment applications. The T-Scan TS50-A is available for immediate shipment with Leica Absolute Trackers.

三维激光扫描仪, 激光跟踪仪, 3D点云软件, ...

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