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Hyundai reports about the application of WheelWatch
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/4/2009 6:42:00 PM  佳工机电网
Hyundai reports about the application of WheelWatchSince last summer, AICON's measuring system WheelWatch has been used by the Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center (HMETC) in Rüsselsheim/Germany. The HMETC applies WheelWatch for steering and suspension analyses during test drives. With the help of high resolution digital cameras, the WheelWatch system is able to acquire the wheel movements without any time limit at frequencies up to 490Hz.

Before procuring WheelWatch, the HMETC has merely used systems that would measure standing vehicles. These systems have technically not been able to measure the vehicles during the test drives. However, more and more often, the vehicle development has asked for analyses of the elasto-kinematics of the vehicle, which can only be conducted on a moving vehicle. Due to this requirement, the technical center has finally decided to acquire a WheelWatch measuring system that delivers reliable measuring data both in a test station and on a moving vehicle.

What kind of experiences has the HMETC collected with AICON's optical measuring system?

Kevin Parker, Vehicle Dynamics Engineer at HMETC, reports: ''One example of application is the evaluation of toe-in of the rear wheels over impacts. This can cause unwanted yawing motion at the rear of the vehicle at certain speeds. The high speed WheelWatch cameras were able to identify this problem. The test results are very important for us, and we directly use them in vehicle development. We can always rely on the WheelWatch results as they are absolutely precise.

The acquisition of WheelWatch has definitely paid-off. Consequently, we will extend the areas of application of the system in the future. There are plans for usage of the equipment for analyzing rough road frequency behaviour as well as toe and camber response of steering manoeuvres.''

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