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DSM opens new engineering plastics compounding plant in India
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/18/2009 8:07:00 PM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
Royal DSM N.V., the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, announced the opening of a new manufacturing facility for producing engineering plastics compounds in India.

With this new greenfield facility, DSM underlines its long term commitment to one of the world's largest and fastest growing emerging economies. The plant, located at a 25 acre site at MIDC Ranjangaon industrial zone, about 60 kilometers from Pune, triples capacity for the production of Akulon® PA6, Arnite® PBT and PET and Stanyl® PA46 in India. It is also the largest polyamide and polyester compounding facility in the country. Materials produced by the facility are used in manufacturing molded components for the automotive, electrical and electronics and consumer goods industries. An increased presence in emerging economies is one of the key strategic drivers of DSM's Vision 2010 strategy. India, with an average GDP growth of nearly 7% in the past ten years, is an important part of this strategy. "This investment is an important step forward in increasing our presence in India. It also confirms our long term commitment to the country. We are impressed with the growth of our Indian operations and this facility will help to achieve further profitable growth in the future", said Nico Gerardu, member of the Managing Board of DSM.

DSM Engineering Plastics' success in India is highlighted by its association - from an early phase onwards - with the Tata Nano car, which will be launched later this month. For more than 20 parts in under the bonnet components as well as parts for transmission, DSM's engineering plastics have been approved. In addition to the injection molding compounds, DSM has also introduced innovative and differentiated products for the film market such as Akulon® XP, which combine better processing with higher quality, further demonstrating long term commitment to the Indian market.

DSM has been directly marketing and manufacturing engineering plastics in India since 1999 and has consistently realized growth well above market rates. In less than a decade, DSM Engineering Plastics has achieved market leadership positions in relevant markets in India.

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