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Infor Delivers SaaS Offering of Expense Management
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/21/2008 12:14:00 PM  佳工机电网
电子商务/企业门户, IT运维管理, 制造执行系统MES, 流程管理BPR/BPM, SOA/SaaS/云计算, ...
Flexible Hosting and Pricing Options Simplify Travel and Entertainment Expense Management for Mid-Sized Businesses and Divisions of Large Enterprises

LAS VEGAS (Inforum) - Oct 15, 2008

Infor today announced Infor Expense Management, a robust travel and entertainment (T&E) expense solution used by large enterprises worldwide, is now available in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering for mid-sized businesses and divisions of large enterprise that seek a completely hosted and managed SaaS offering of Infor Expense Management. The solution provides companies a comprehensive employee expense management and reimbursement solution, without the need for purchasing or managing additional IT infrastructure. Infor Expense Management is already available via On-Premises deployment, as a Dedicated Hosting, and SaaS Hosted License, giving customers a choice for their expense management needs.

Infor Expense Management helps companies automate the expense management process, reign in travel expense and establish guidelines for expense reimbursement. The solution provides insight into spending patterns, reduces reporting errors and enforces corporate policy. The SaaS offering of Infor Expense Management delivers enterprise-proven functionality with a minimal initial investment and a predictable monthly fee.

"Now, companies of any size can benefit from an expense management solution without sacrificing functionality for footprint," said Kathy Schindler, product marketing manager, Infor. "This SaaS offering provides businesses the flexibility to choose an option that best meets their needs and satisfies the need to better manage travel and entertainment guidelines, minimize errant employee spending, and ensure compliance with corporate regulations and use of preferred vendors."

Infor Expense Management is now available in the four following options:

On-premises - traditional perpetual licensed software deployed at customer's facilities
SaaS Subscription - customer subscription for on-demand use
SaaS Hosted License - licensed software hosted by Infor in a SaaS (multi-tenant) environment
Dedicated Hosting - licensed software hosted by Infor in a dedicated (single-tenant) environment

All delivery options for Infor Expense Management include four core modules: travel plans, expense reports, payment requests, and timesheets. Each module features real-time policy notification, alerting employees to violations as they enter data and allowing them to enter explanations or correct data prior to submission. Each module also provides configurable workflow for alerting reviewers and obtaining necessary approvals, and triggered events such as the issuance of air tickets or the reimbursement of expenses.

Infor SaaS Hosting Center

Infor's hosting center features a true multi-tenant architecture, where a single instance of the software serves multiple customers, allowing Infor to offer the rich functionality of Infor Expense Management at a lower cost than traditional hosting, which requires separate hardware for each customer. Infor's hosting center follows best practices for security and undergoes annual SAS 70 Type II audits which review the operations and security of the SaaS solutions. Infor has deployed Infor Expense Management SaaS as a high availability solution, employing redundant network, server and storage components. The infrastructure provided by the SAS 70 Type II audited data center contains fully redundant components and backup power generation capability.

For more information on Infor Expense Management, visit: http://www.infor.com/solutions/fms/expense/ .

About Infor

Infor acquires and develops functionally rich software backed by thousands of domain experts and then makes it better through continuous innovation, faster implementation options, global enablement, and flexible buying options. In a few short years, Infor has become one of the largest providers of business software in the world. For additional information, visit www.infor.com .

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