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http://cn.newmaker.com 7/3/2008 12:39:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Partners Will Explore Opportunities to Assist South America's Fish Farming Industry with Improved Netting Solutions

URMOND (NL), 2 July, 2008 - DSM Dyneema and Badinotti Group, the global leader in netting for commercial fishing, today announced an expanded collaboration to develop and deliver enhanced netting technologies using Dyneema®, the world's strongest fiber™. The two companies aim to provide new netting solutions that can meet the challenges of today's industries and end users. One area of focus will be reducing fish escapes in South America's fish farming industry. Ultra-strong Dyneema® fiber, which has been used successfully in a variety of net applications, offers a higher strength-to-weight ratio, lower maintenance, and longer service life than conventional synthetics.

As part of this closer relationship, Badinotti will become an official licensee of DSM Dyneema's new Commercial Marine Licensing program. Badinotti will use the Dyneema® ingredient brand on its products and participate in joint marketing and business development efforts with DSM Dyneema.

''Badinotti was one of the first companies to introduce nets made with Dyneema® fiber in 1996, and since that time our relationship with DSM Dyneema has become stronger,'' said Alfonso Rizo Patron, CEO, Badinotti Group. ''By intensifying our joint programme of development, we intend to create netting to meet the challenges of today's end users. We look forward to leveraging our combined expertise to help customers increase their yields through stronger, safer, and more cost-effective nets.''

Badinotti nets featuring Dyneema® fiber have delivered high performance and economic benefits for aquaculture companies around the world - for instance, in Mediterranean sea bream farming and Canadian salmon farming. Now, in addition, the companies will focus on anti-predator and containment netting for South America's aquaculture industry.

Dyneema® fiber's exceptional strength and toughness produce netting that can significantly reduce escapes and losses from fish or predators biting through the nets. Because Dyneema® is so strong for its weight, thinner twines can be used, providing less resistance to currents and waves so the nets retain their shape.

These twines form larger openings in the netting so more water can flow through, improving cleanliness and oxygenation for healthier fish. Because Dyneema® does not absorb water, netting is easier to lift out of the water for repairs, especially in heavy seas or bad weather.

''We are very pleased to welcome our longtime partner, Badinotti, as an official licensee within our new Commercial Marine licensing program,'' said André van Wageningen, marketing manager Commercial Fishing for DSM Dyneema. ''Using Dyneema® fiber, Badinotti continues to lead the industry in innovative netting solutions. As we expand our collaboration to South America, and address new challenges, we are jointly committed to providing the highest performance, quality and service through technological excellence to the South American aquaculture industry.''

About DSM Dyneema

DSM Dyneema is the inventor and manufacturer of Dyneema®, the world's strongest fiber™. Dyneema® is an ultra strong polyethylene fiber that offers maximum strength combined with minimum weight. It is up to 15 times stronger than quality steel and up to 40% stronger than aramid fibers, both on weight for weight basis. Dyneema® floats on water and is extremely durable and resistant to moisture, UV light and chemicals. The applications are therefore more or less unlimited. Dyneema® is an important component in ropes, cables and nets in the fishing, shipping and offshore industries. Dyneema® is also used in safety gloves for the metalworking industry and in fine yarns for applications in sporting goods and the medical sector. In addition, Dyneema® is also used in bullet resistant armor and clothing for police and military personnel.

Dyneema® is produced in Heerlen (The Netherlands) and in Greenville, North Carolina (U.S.A.). DSM Dyneema is also a partner in a high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) manufacturing joint venture in Japan. Further information on DSM Dyneema is available at www.dyneema.com and www.asaferplacetogrow.com.

DSM - the Life Sciences and Materials Sciences Company

Royal DSM N.V. creates innovative products and services in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences that contribute to the quality of life. DSM's products and services are used globally in a wide range of markets and applications, supporting a healthier, more sustainable and more enjoyable way of life. End markets include human and animal nutrition and health, personal care, pharmaceuticals, automotive, coatings and paint, electrics and electronics, life protection and housing. DSM has annual sales of almost EUR 8.8 billion and employs some 23,000 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands, with locations on five continents. DSM is listed on Euronext Amsterdam. More information on DSM can be found at www.dsm.com.

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