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Infor Announces New Version of Infor ERP VISUAL
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/25/2008 9:54:00 PM  佳工机电网
企业资源计划ERP, 供应链管理SCM, 客户关系管理CRM...
New Features Enable Greater Business Efficiencies and Increase Productivity, Help Users get More Relevant Data, Faster

ATLANTA - Jun 19, 2008

Infor today announced a new version of Infor ERP VISUAL, a comprehensive business software solution for small to midsized discrete manufacturers. Infor ERP VISUAL 6.5.3 features enhancements that strengthen the engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, project management, and customer order processes, enabling companies to increase operational efficiencies and improve productivity. Users will also gain quicker access to more relevant enterprise data and have more options in the configuration of data fields, delivering greater flexibility and enhanced convenience.

Many of the new enhancements were generated through customer feedback gathered through Infor365, Infor's next-generation online support portal and community of Infor users, as well as Infor's support team.

''The customer-driven enhancements included in version 6.5.3 demonstrate Infor's commitment to enrich our software with the business-specific functionality that our customers need,'' said Kevin Piotrowski, director, industry and product marketing, discrete industries, Infor. ''Infor's customers have an active, significant voice in shaping the development of their products. This process is a vital enabler of our ability to deliver new product enhancements that provide value to our customers.''

The additions to Infor ERP VISUAL 6.5.3 include several new user-defined features, including a customizable user interface and audit trails. This ability will help Infor ERP VISUAL users increase their efficiency and productivity by delivering a convenient, consolidated view of the information that is most important to them in their day-to-day business. User-defined audit trails identify key data for tracking, providing visibility into where and what changes were made, which can help ensure data quality and regulatory compliance. Additionally, new features in the shipping and resources programs enable users to further customize their defined fields, improving workforce productivity.

Enhancements to the Manufacturing and Engineering modules of Infor ERP VISUAL include new features and reports to enhance how customers manage their warehouses and provide access to more accurate and specific materials data. Purchasing managers benefit from a new module, the Purchasing Management Window (PMW), which creates a configurable ''workbench'' that allows users to see material shortages, usage and purchase history, and generate a PO via drag and drop. Additionally, a new receiving inspection window allows for a targeted focus on individual tasks.

Project management enhancements include new workflow management tools to identify bottlenecks in the manufacturing, purchasing and work orders processes, removing delays and contributing to reduced lead times and productivity improvements. The workflow tools simplify project creation by reducing the information necessary to start a new project and moving additional information entry to more relevant points in the project timeline.

For more information on Infor ERP VISUAL, please visit http://go.infor.com/visual

About Infor

Infor delivers business-specific software to enterprising organizations. With experience built in, Infor's solutions enable businesses of all sizes to be more enterprising and adapt to the rapid changes of a global marketplace. With more than 70,000 customers, Infor is changing what businesses expect from an enterprise software provider. For additional information, visit www.infor.com.

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