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Stratasys Shanghai Ltd.
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Objet Geometries' Connex500™ Receives 2008 Red Dot Design Award 5/21/2008 10:17:00 PM
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
Rehovot, Israel, May 15, 2008 - Objet Geometries Ltd. (www.2objet.com), the innovation leader in 3-D printing, today announced that its revolutionary Connex500™ system has been recognized with the red dot award (www.red-dot.de), one of the highest and most coveted honors for product design and innovation worldwide. The Connex500™ is the first-ever system to allow printing of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties simultaneously.

An international jury comprised of renowned designers and design experts evaluated more than 3,200 entries from 51 different countries and deemed the Connex500™ worthy of the distinction associated with this 53-year-old honor. The award is given by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Germany, one of Europe's most highly reputed design institutions. It recognizes outstanding and trendsetting design quality worldwide through assessment of the degree of innovation, functionality, ergonomics, longevity, ecological compatibility and clarity of function.

''We are complimented with this recognition of our Connex500™ system as one of the most innovative and high quality design advances of the past year,'' said Adina Shorr, CEO of Objet Geometries. ''The red dot design award reinforces our leadership in rapid prototyping technology, which companies around the globe have embraced for its effectiveness and benefits to their product development and manufacturing processes.''

Objet's Connex500™ represents a breakthrough in three-dimensional printing by, for the first time, offering product developers the ability to print parts and assemblies made of several materials with different mechanical and physical properties in a single build process. The system's patented PolyJet Matrix™ Technology jets materials in ultra-thin layers, immediately curing each layer with UV light, a process which yields models that closely emulate the look, feel and function of an exceptionally wide variety of end products. In addition, the system allows users to create composite materials that have pre-set combinations of mechanical properties, also a first for the industry. The Connex500™ was unveiled in November 2007.

Objet will formally receive its award on June 23, 2008 at the annual red dot awards gala at the Essen Aalto-Theater in Germany among an estimated 1,200 guests from the fields of design, the arts, business and politics. The Connex500™ system will also be on display, along with this year's other award-winning products, from June 24 to July 27, 2008 at the red dot design museum. Located at the Zeche Zollverein World Cultural Heritage Site, the museum houses the largest permanent exhibition of contemporary design worldwide.

About Objet Geometries LTD

Objet Geometries (www.2objet.com), the photopolymer jetting pioneer, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-dimensional printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. It offers a wide range of solutions, including the market-proven Eden line of systems, based on Objet's patented PolyJet™ technology and the Connex500™, based on PolyJet Matrix technology. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan. Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe, China and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patens and patent pending inventions.

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