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Objet's Connex500™ Wins First Place for Best Innovation at EuroMold 2007 12/20/2007 7:05:00 PM

Objet's Connex500™ Wins First Place for Best Innovation at EuroMold 2007

First time in 8 years an RP company has won manufacturing industry's top award

Rehovot, Israel - December 19, 2007 - Objet Geometries Ltd., the world leader in ultra-thin layer photopolymer jetting, today announced that its revolutionary Connex500™ 3-D printing system has won one of the most prestigious industry awards, the Euromold 2007 Innovation Award.

Euromold, the largest and most significant trade show for companies involved in product development and pre-manufacturing, is held at the beginning of December every year in Frankfurt, Germany. At the most recent show, Objet unveiled its breakthrough PolyJet Matrix™ Technology and the Connex500, the first system based on the new technology.
The Connex500 captured the attention of show attendees and award judges alike as it opens an entirely new era in rapid prototyping - the era of multi-material models. Objet's revolutionary machine is the first system ever that enables printing of parts and assemblies made of multiple model materials, all in a single build. The Connex500 also fabricates Digital Materials™ on the fly, enabling users to create composite materials that have preset combinations of mechanical properties.

The EuroMold 2007 Innovation Award recognizes the most innovative developments from the broad fields of mold-making and tooling, design and application development, within the general show theme of ''From Design to Prototyping to Series Production''. Of the numerous products nominated for the award, a shortlist of three winners was chosen, with Objet's Connex500 selected as the number one innovation of all. The award statuette is commonly referred to as the ''Oscar of the product development scene'' and is recognized around the world.

''We are extremely proud, that the Connex500 was awarded first place for innovation at EuroMold,'' said Adina Shorr, CEO of Objet Geometries. ''This is the first time in eight years that a rapid prototyping innovation has won the award - a fact that underscores our belief that multi-material printing is one of the most important industry advances introduced in a long time. As one of the youngest companies in our industry, this achievement positions us as the clear rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing technology leader.

三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...

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