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Objet wins the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Growth Excellence 1/8/2008 9:34:00 PM

Objet wins the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Growth Excellence

The company broke into and gained significant share in the world rapid prototyping equipment market, which is dominated by well-established companies that pose significant barriers to entry for new vendors.

Objet Geometries has witnessed double-digit growth rates year-on-year for the past three years and has set new benchmarks in the rapid prototyping equipment market since the introduction of its patented and innovative PolyJet™ technology in early 2000.

The process uses inkjet heads to create ultra-thin layers, each of which is cured by ultraviolet light after the jetting stage. This produces fully cured models ready for immediate use, without post-curing, which is required by other technologies. The gel-like support material, designed to support complex geometries, is washed away with pressurized water jets.

''Objet Geometries' products are widely recognized for their high quality, accuracy, speed and versatility and more importantly for the output, which closely resembles the final product, says Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst S. Vidyasankar. ''Further, the growing acceptance of PolyJet™ technology is actually one of the factors that have fueled market growth.

The company's continuous efforts to enhance its technology to reach an ever-widening range of end-users are expected to sustain its growth in the future. One of the major reasons for Objet Geometries' growth and success in the rapid prototyping equipment market lies in its broad, complete and versatile product line. The company is also one of the few participants in the market that has a range of products that can meet any application, workflow and budget requirements of the end-user.

Objet Geometries offers five different versions of its Eden 3-Dimensional Printing Systems, with different price points, capabilities, tray size, build size, and print resolution. Hence, customers can choose the system based on their productivity and/or budget requirements. These products are used across a wide range of end-user industries.

''Objet Geometries is continuously striving to innovate and enhance its product line but more importantly, it is constantly adapting to changes in the end-user industries it caters to and introduces new products at the right time, in-tune with the market dynamics,'' notes Vidyasankar.

With geographic expansion and strategic partnerships and alliances, Objet Geometries has grown to become one of the most respected participants in the rapid prototyping equipment market.

The company's advanced technology and an outstanding customer-centric focus have helped them support its customers from project development to life cycle support.

Adina Shorr, CEO of Objet Geometries says: ''We are very proud to be the recipients of the well-respected Frost & Sullivan Award for this year. Our customers around the world are well aware of the innovation and value we bring them and this award brings important third-party confirmation that Objet has much to offer the market now and even more so in the future.''

Overall, Objet Geometries is a deserving recipient of the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Award for Growth Excellence in the world rapid prototyping equipment market. Each year Frost & Sullivan presents this Award to the company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing and sustaining growth through unique growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan, through this exhaustive selection process, seeks to identify a company that has exhibited excellence in all its functional areas, resulting in sustained financial growth.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in order to identify best practices in the industry.

About Objet Geometries

Objet Geometries, the photopolymer jetting pioneer, develops, manufactures and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3-dimensional printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. The market-proven Eden line of systems is based on Objet's patented office-friendly PolyJet™ technology. Objet's FullCure® materials create accurate, clean, smooth and highly detailed 3-dimensional models, enabling even the most complex 3-D models to be printed with exceptionally high quality, accuracy and speed. ConneX500™, Objet's latest innovation, is based on Objet's PolyJet Matrix™ technology, which offers jetting multiple model materials simultaneously. PolyJet Matrix jets Digital Materials™ creating composite materials that are fabricated on the fly.

Objet's solutions enable manufactures and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development cycles and dramatically shorten time-to-market of new products. Objet systems are in use by world leaders in many industries, such as automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan. Founded in 1998, Objet serves its growing worldwide customer base through offices in USA, Europe, China and Hong Kong, and a global network of distribution partners. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions.

For more information, please contact: lynn_kolevsohn@2objet.com

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Consulting Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The company's Growth Partnership Services, Growth Consulting and Career Best Practices empower clients to create a growth focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan employs over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 30 offices on six continents. For more information, visit http://www.awards.frost.com.

Contact: Stacie Kopecki



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