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Metris releases RCA for robotized laser inspection 4/20/2008 6:48:00 PM

Metris releases RCA for robotized laser inspection

Leuven, April 17 2008 - Metris (MTRS, Euronext Brussels) releases RCA, the revolutionary Robot CMM Arm designed for Metris laser scanning inspection. Metris RCA combines the best of two worlds by offering the automation capability of a traditional CMM and the mobility and part accessibility of an articulated arm. A rugged design, easy programming and intrinsic absolute accuracy increase 3D laser scanning productivity and flexibility of on-site inspection assignments.

Patented Robot CMM Arm concept

Metris RCA is a robotized CMM arm that introduces patented technology to accelerate repetitive 3D inspection jobs. The Robot CMM Arm combines a highly accurate internal 7‑axis articulated arm with an external skeleton driven by electric motors. This unique concept creates a measuring robot that drives a Metris MMD laser scanner along the programmed motion path. Thanks to premium encoder technology and stiff carbon fiber axes, RCA intrinsically offers truly absolute measurement accuracy within an inspection volume of 4.2 meter diameter today, and with larger models to come later.

The first release of RCA is equipped with the Metris MMD laser scanner, with more compatible laser scanner types to follow soon. Digital Metris laser

scanners feature excellent material scanning capabilities and offer fast data acquisition for both feature and surface inspection.

Featuring optimal part accessibility

With 7 degrees of freedom, the RCA has infinite options available to access any inspection location. The RCA is capable of accessing inner cavity locations of specimens, such as vehicle body shells. Unlimited accessibility is a major leap forward compared to traditional CMMs that face difficulty reaching enclosed part surfaces. In addition, RCA supports continuous adaptation of scanner orientation in order to consequently maintain optimal scanning conditions.

Automated inspection at the test object

The RCA is an innovative robotic metrology device that seamlessly integrates with Metris Camio CMM software. Scanner path and orientation can be interactively defined using a handheld control panel, or directly from CAD using Camio's off-line programming capability. The inspection process - from scan data acquisition to full-featured reporting - is executed from within Metris Camio. Alternatively, process automation engineers may opt for a third-party robot programming software to define RCA motion.

The automatic execution of repetitive inspection assignments following an identical procedure guarantees high inspection consistency. At the same time, RCA allows operators to focus their attention on evaluating the inspection outcome, rather than performing scanning jobs manually.

Bringing the measurement to the part

Transporting test specimens to fixed CMM installations can be very time-consuming. Metris RCA obsoletes transportation of parts, as the system can be flexibly installed next to the test object. Docking stations facilitate fast and repeatable installation of the RCA at different inspection locations. No special floor foundation nor air pressure is needed; only standard 220/110V electrical power. And with the controller unit integrated into the compact robotized RCA, there is no hassle with a separate controller rack.

Metris RCA runs quick, repeatable and accurate part-to-CAD inspection. It increases measurement productivity wherever repetitive inspection is performed on series of parts or part variants. In automotive and aerospace markets, RCA covers the entire application range starting with pre-production batches and small production series, over sample-based inspection in or next to the production line, to in-line inspection during assembly.


Renaat Van Cauter - Metris - marketing@metris.com - Tel +32 16 74 01 01

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