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Focus Inspection 9.0 sets new point cloud inspection reference 2/14/2008 9:16:00 PM

Focus Inspection 9.0 sets new point cloud inspection reference

Leuven, February 12th 2008 - Metris announces the release of Metris Focus Inspection 9.0, today's reference for point cloud inspection. The next-generation software offers stunning performance, an intuitive user-interface, and standard macro functionality to automate the entire inspection process.

Focus Inspection is the right choice for fast and accurate 3D inspection of large point cloud data, typically acquired through CMMs or handheld scanners, or resulting from Computer Tomography (CT) systems. Developed in cooperation with leading automotive and industrial manufacturers, Focus Inspection 9.0 provides a most complete set of feature detection and part-to-CAD inspection algorithms. To respond to the growing need to process ever larger data sets, the software now supports point clouds exceeding 100 million points, more than sufficient to analyze complete car panels or other large objects.

The software embeds geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) for qualitative feature specification of nominal data and inspection results. Color-coded results and pass/fail annotations immediately highlight out-of-tolerance inspection criteria including form, orientation and location. Focus Inspection 9.0 supports GD&T-specific report templates in any popular format, or exports inspection data to statistical process control (SPC) software.

Designed as a process-centric inspection platform, Focus Inspection 9.0 guides 3D scan data processing following an easy, user-definable workflow.

The software offers a completely new GUI, which guarantees straightforward operation by design and production staff as well as shop floor technicians. In addition, Focus Inspection 9.0 comes standard with impressive automation functionality. The automation of repetitive inspection workflows requires no programming skills, as literally every action can be recorded and replayed. In this way, user interaction is minimized and results become operator-independent, ultimately improving the quality of your process.

The versatility and completeness of Focus Inspection clearly set a new baseline for accurate and efficient comparison to CAD, feature inspection and dimensional analysis. Fully integrated with Focus Scan, Focus Inspection 9.0 enables 3D inspection on a wide range of CMM brands. Its rich functionality and ease of use also make Focus Inspection the ideal tool for in-depth analysis of scan data from handheld inspection systems.

三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...

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