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Metris Camio 4.6 accelerates CMM inspection 2/24/2008 11:32:00 AM

Metris Camio 4.6 accelerates CMM inspection

Leuven, February 21st 2008 - Metris (MTRS, Euronext Brussels) announces the release of Camio 4.6 software for CMM-based metrology. Camio 4.6 introduces ''production mode'' operation that compresses inspection cycle time up to 25%. In addition, the management and capability of CMM laser scanning inspection is further enhanced.

Metris Camio 4.6 represents a fully integrated CMM software platform for on-line inspection and off-line programming. By embedding a dedicated production mode for repetitive inspection scenarios, Camio achieves impressive inspection cycle reductions. Depending on sensor and feature characteristics, time gains add up to 25%.

As a pioneer in laser scanning, Metris continously enhances Camio's CMM laser scanning performance. Camio introduces the concept of laser scanner profiles to flexibly deal with multiple laser scanners on a single CMM. To step up efficiency when scanning parts with tens or hundreds of features, Camio 4.6 offers powerful feature inspection capabilities.

Optimized processing and display of point clouds acquired through laser scanning guarantee high system productivity when inspecting geometric features. Camio now supports the extraction of burred and tapered edge features, in addition to automatic recognition of features, such as point, line, circle, slot, plane, cylinder, cone and sphere.
Camio can be used just as easily for in-line integration into a high-volume production environment as in small dedicated manufacturing shops. Either way, Camio 4.6 efficiently captures the complete CMM inspection process. To start up a new inspection project, Camio accesses CAD information from practically any source, and at the end, Camio delivers CMM output files in the preferred format. In Camio, it is easy to append sample numbering and user-defined text to the automatic naming of output files.

Interoperability, key to flexible manufacturing, is further expanded with the latest developments in CAD file format support including PMI (Product Manufacturing Information). PMI simplifies the inspection process with tolerance information directly from CAD creating shorter lead times and a truly paperless environment.

三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...

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