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New Brand: printadvice - A competitive edge for MAN Roland customers
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/17/2008 9:57:00 AM  佳工机电网
New Brand: printadvice - A competitive edge for MAN Roland customersprintadvice is the new brand used by MAN Roland to combine all consulting services for their sheetfed and webfed offset customers: investment planning, production facility design, organization, management, production system design, and process optimization.

With printadvice, MAN Roland offers its customers comprehensive know-how and experience covering all areas of the printing process. printadvice aims to provide a competitive edge for MAN Roland customers with its unique and extensive consultation offer.

The printing industry is becoming ever more complex for users as well as manufacturers. Access to qualified information is a key to success for printing businesses. printadvice highlights the potential of printhouses and supports them in strategic planning.

The PRINTVALUE brand family

MAN Roland confirms its claim as a market leader when it comes to printing matter with this unique service offer. The printadvice brand illustrates these competencies and anchors them firmly in the market. Many of the offers and tasks covered by printadvice are already provided today by the subsidiary Eurografica Systemplanungs GmbH. With the PRINTVALUE brand family - including printservices, printcom, printnet, and printadvice -, MAN Roland concentrates its expertise regarding printing presses and offers its customers decisive added value.

For further information and details regarding web offset, please contact printadvice@mra.man.de, or printadvice@mro.man.de for information regarding sheetfed offset.

胶印机, 轮转印刷机, 平张胶印机, ...

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·[图]印刷从环保做起 1/17/2008
·[图]北京美通签约进口秋山国际双面八色印刷机 1/17/2008
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·高宝、Webmart和Inca展望2008印刷业发展 1/11/2008
·美国印刷业令人堪忧,利润整体下滑10% 1/11/2008
·潍坊:平版印刷机测试版项目创收1600余万元 12/27/2007
·海德堡巡展杭州完美收官,现场演示展现印刷新境界 12/27/2007
·曼罗兰首台每转印刷80个A4页面卷筒纸胶印机投产 12/27/2007
·[图]印机行业形势喜人 中高档产品瓶颈待破 8/12/2007
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