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Flomerics Releases FLO/PCB Version 4.1 9/23/2007 11:25:00 PM

Flomerics Releases FLO/PCB Version 4.1

(6 September 2007) -- Flomerics has released Version 4.1 of its FLO/PCB thermal design software with new features including the ability to model potting compounds, probe temperature values interactively, provide user-defined temperature ranges and search component libraries. FLO/PCB makes it possible to perform board-level thermal simulation very early in the design process. This analysis can help highlight potential thermal issues and provide engineers with more flexibility in resolving them before hundreds of hours of engineering time is invested in unusable designs.

Version 4.1 of FLO/PCB includes a new SmartPart object used to represent epoxy type solid cured potting compounds. It can be placed over all or part of either side of the PCB. Multiple (non-overlapping) potting compound regions can be defined. Any material in the resins material library supplied with the software can also be used or the user can define the properties using the potting compound material property sheet.

The new version also provides the ability to move the cursor over a temperature plot in the results visualization mode and report the point temperature. The legend scaling options have also been improved so that the user can define minimum and maximum values for the upper and lower bounds of the scale. The minimum and maximum values can also be derived from the coldest and hottest objects in the simulation results.

Version 4.1 also includes an advanced search capability for the component library. Users typically save components that they create into a library, from which they can be recalled and quickly placed into a new board design.
FLO/PCB Version 4.1 has also been updated to maintain bi-directional connectivity with Version 7.1 of Flotherm, Flomerics?system-level thermal modeling tool. For example, the same PCB design that is used to create a FLO/PCB model can also be incorporated into a system-level model in Flotherm. This saves time for the mechanical engineer in updating the system level model, if necessary, while reducing the chance of errors caused by miscommunication. The results from the systems level analysis can also be exported directly to the board-level simulation, making it possible for the board designer to apply the air flow and temperatures from the system-level simulation to the board being designed. This approach keeps all team members in sync and enables them to contribute to concept development in real time.

For more information, visit Flomerics' Web sites www.flopcb.com and www.flomerics.com

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