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LMS-InterAC partnership completes the LMS Acoustic Simulation solutions to cover the full frequency range 6/16/2011 9:18:00 PM
通用有限元分析软件, 结构分析软件, 动力学分析软件, 声学分析软件, 板料冲压成形模拟软件, ...
Recent distribution agreement brings best-in-class Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) technology to the world's leading acoustic simulation package

LMS International and InterAC have signed a strategic partnership to distribute InterAC's SEA+, SEAVirt and related SEA modules to complement the market-leading LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics package. In the world of vibro-acoustic simulation, SEA is a technology that provides a reliable solution for high frequency problems as well as full system vibro-acoustic evaluation.

LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics users will significantly benefit from several unique technologies, like Virtual SEA, implemented in SEAVirt, which automatically and uniquely converts a structural FE (finite element) model from LMS Virtual.Lab into a SEA model. This model can then be further processed in SEA+, making mid-frequency vibro-acoustic analysis a reality.

SEA+ provides low calculation times, high modeling efficiency coupled with high fidelity and is perfectly suited to address vibro-acoustic problems throughout the product development process. Especially on large-scale or on high-frequency projects such as vehicle interior noise, sound package design, aircraft cabin noise, satellite vibro-acoustics and many more, this is a tremendous value.

As acoustics takes more of a defining role in product development, vibro-acoustic engineers need better tools to assess concepts and early stage designs. Unlike other methods, SEA does not require geometrical details, but merely global system properties. This is why SEA is ideal early in the concept phase when design details, like CAD or a FEM mesh, are not available.

InterAC's SEA+ is a top class product integrating the highest fidelity SEA technology. The many years of industrial experience of Dr Borello, founder and CEO of InterAC, in the field of SEA made the SEA+ product to what it is today: the most easy-to-use, highly refined and powerful SEA product on the market.

''This partnership combines more than 20 years of SEA experience from the InterAC side with LMS's FEM, BEM and ray acoustics leadership. More importantly, it provides our customers with one single address for vibro-acoustic simulation,'' said Stefaan Goossens, Vice-President Simulation, LMS International.

''Combining forces with the worldwide market leader in acoustic simulation is a perfect fit to our strategy. Backed by LMS International expertise and software, our common customers will be able to push the limits of how they deal with the entire acoustic range in their design process,'' stated Dr Gerard Borello, founder and CEO of InterAC.

About LMS International

LMS, the leading partner in test and mechatronic simulation in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries, helps customers get better products to market faster. With a unique combination of mechatronic simulation software, testing systems and engineering services, LMS tunes into mission critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain and mechatronic simulation solutions, LMS addresses complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based systems engineering. More than 900 LMS professionals serve over 5,000 manufacturing companies worldwide.

For more information on LMS, visit www.lmsintl.com

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·CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM展区 > CAE/模拟仿真展厅 > 声学分析软件 > CAE/模拟仿真新闻
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