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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司
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Cimatron to Showcase Die Design Enhancements at INTERMOLD KOREA 3/19/2011 5:16:00 PM
模具CAD/CAM, 模具钢材, 模具抛光机, 模具保护器, 模具监视器, ...
Mar. 15, 2011 - CimatronE's 3D Die Making solution maintains winning streak

Givat Shmuel, Israel - March 15, 2011 - Cimatron Limited (NASDAQ and TASE: CIMT) announced today that it will showcase new enhancements for die making at the INTERMOLD KOREA Tradeshow for the Die and Mold Industry.

CimatronE's Die Design solution has received a very positive reception in Korea since its release five years ago. Last month, Cimatron announced that many of Samsung's tier one manufacturers significantly shortened their delivery times using CimatronE's 3D Die Design solution. Additionally, Cimatron Korea achieved its highest revenue to date in 2010, largely as a result of its success with the CimatronE Die Design solution.

CimatronE's integrated 3D CAD/CAM solution for die design and manufacturing allows users to visualize the vertical axis from the outset, avoiding interference and other errors in the early stages of design. This eliminates most of the expensive, time-heavy ''trial and error'' work in the finishing stages of projects, allowing die shops to cut their delivery times dramatically.

New enhancements to the Die Design solution offer a far more flexible strip design process. Among the enhancements that simplify the process is the new ''insert forming shape'' feature, which allows users to insert additional forming shapes at any point during design, while maintaining complete associativity.

There are also enhancements in die tool design, with faster, more automated trimming punch creation. CimatronE's trimming punch feature, which allows users to design trimming punches in one click, can now create multiple trimming punches in the same operation. Additionally the system now supports split matrixes (used to simplify the manufacturing process) and several new types of fasteners.

Intermold will take place in Seoul, March 16th-20th. Cimatron will demonstrate CimatronE's latest Mold, Die and NC Programming solutions, as well as GibbsCAM's solution for Production, in Booth 334.

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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司联系方式:
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